I've been up for many hours, but my mornings stick with me these last few day. My dreams have had volatile emotions and I've startled awake from all manner of different things in the last few days. Friday's was desolation, Sunday morning it was embarrassment/shame, this morning it was rage. I know where the people came from if not always the situation. It's all strange and each morning it drives me from wanting to sleep more, trying to busy my mind to press away the emotional echoes of sleeping.
This morning wasn't much different, but it at least came with perks. I went to pick up my package in the office only to be surprised with the news that I had three packages. One is my Full Moon Swap (which hopefully will get a write up after the homework), One that is gifts for
sageness and I from
yonnahdj (...we really do need to calendar organize, don't we, love?), and one which was (finally. Omg. Finally) my replacement wireless router.
That's right, ladies and gentleman, I am all free. Accept no corded substitutes.
I need to do more homework and less writing for now.
Pimptasticness here
You should go on and check out
grow_in_mind. It's a beautiful community, just starting, that exists to encourage people to grow, love, and learn, through personal sharing and interaction and even just listening. It's for all beliefs from all areas of life and I think its going to blossom beautifully.