I did go to the Direct from Russian Moscow Ballet Performance of the Nutcracker, which was played by the San Antonio Symphony. I knew within literal seconds of sitting down that I'd made the right decision. I was very moved by all of it. I love seeing Ballet. The costumes were amazing, the reinterpretation of certain pieces was quirky and fun. I've decided somewhere loosely that I now want a copy of Tchaikovsky Nutcracker Suite and three or four Nutcracker ornaments.
Like the first of these maybe. Yet, I dislike the Clara muchly.
Never made it home during the day again, but I did get some errand fun done. I've now finished off one of my two
full_moon_swaps Yule boxes, and started a dent into my second one. I'm hoping each will be shipped with all my shipping Christmas packages next week.
I went out to dinner with Lavern and then caught a showing of The Golden Compass. I need to reread the book. I have some questions, some compliments, some awe and some grousing. We talked for a while after it, about all sort of myriad topics, before I was packed back off home. Strange to have TJ gone, and nice all at once. Next time I see her will be after she returns from her trip, and only to drop off their Christmas presents, before she's gone again to their family Christmas.
Trying to plan the days/week right around Christmas continues to be a minor pain. Mom and Gordon finally set a second, earlier time, for Dallas leaving, which sets back probably having to leave from Carrie's parents during the day before hand, instead of the morning of. Dad still hasn't gotten back to me with news on Yule yet, nor has the Coven settled anything on that line either to my attention. Somewhere in there it's still coven, dad-Yule-day, Carrie’s parents for a day/few days-pre-Christmas, mom-Gordon-his family-Dallas-Christmas-day, and Christmas Eve to Christmas morning is looking to be just me in the apartment alone.
I love this season. It's just surprising how joyfully sharing and cynically repressed it can make me.
I think tonight melancholy might be blamed on Grey's Anatomy or my lack of the new Robin Hood or the games or the movie. I'm not sure which yet. It's not depressed in the feeling sense, just in the weight pressing on my head sense. Awareness but not an emotional type.
I should sleep.
It's growing late and tomorrow has needs; Frost paper, Carrie's Wal-Mart trip, and the hand bell concert. And if I get a head of myself, the finalizing of my Bronte paper to be printed and turned in very early on Monday morning for freedom.