Shakespeare Class Brain Fluff Meme Time

Oct 11, 2007 21:10

My brain it is gone. I mean gone. I mean fluffy grey cloud, staring forward, listening to sounds and stuck on colors gone.

Thus I bring you meme fluff while I debate Richard III and Macbeth.

Interest MEME: If you comment on this post, I will choose seven interests from your profile and you will explain what they mean and why you are interested in them. Repost only if you want to.

Picked by angelgoddess

1. Alphonse Mucha -- [Website] He is an amazing Czech Art Nouveau Print Maker. He has truly captivated my heart and I own a collection of his pieces. I have never felt drawn to the icons made of his pieces, as they are so in-depth and are about having a huge piece that continually amazes you in it's meditative, minute details.

2. Halou -- [Website] Trip Hop [not Trip Pop, though I do affectionately call it from early mistake] music. This was the first group which Billy educated me to during our early friendship in first months of the 2005 fall school semester. This is eerie, beautiful music, with high haunting vocals. I own all their works now gladly, many of which have very special meanings to me. I do recommend this group to anyone who loves this kind of music.

3. Rememory -- Introduced to me first in Beloved by Toni Morrison. There is a very big focus in this novel on the important of the past, the present, and just how the mind (especially, the memory) works. It's about the vividness which brings us to remember, or the memories we make to live ourselves with. I will never be able to explain just how well, and in-depth, this subject is covered in the novel. I don't promise it is a beautiful one, but it is one I recommend to all people, which will never leave me.

4. Pre-Raphaelites -- Oh. Oh. See this just makes me chest ache to think of it. This was a time period, but even more it's a type of heart which owns my heart, set during the 1800's. Rossetti is a big favorite (as was his Sister's poetry for period). Flaming June. Waterhouse. Ophelia. Lady of Shallot. The art of these, with their careful, brilliant color.

5. Katchoo -- [Website] Brilliant, sometimes broken, profane, always beautiful Katina Choovanki of Strangers in Paradise. She is one my favorite characters in existence. Her love for Francine and her growth from her past, both the mistakes made upon her childhood and those she ran away to make herself. There is so much passion and freedom in her character.

6. J. Michael Straczynski -- [Website] Omg. Where do I start? Babylon5! Amazing Spider-man! Rising Stars! Midnight Nation! Jeremiah! I will read/watch/find literally everything this man's fingers are touched upon. His ability to write story arcs, to understand characters, is breath taking. I would suggest you watch or read everything I named above.

7. Duality -- It's easy to say this as a definition, a dual sided nature, a dichotomy. I strain at the nature of the perfect human beings, and linger very close the transcendental notion that men, all men, are hypocritical. That we can be, and are, both side of the coin of a argument or a choice often at the same time, even if we feel we have to chose one side. This is something I find myself addicted to when it's demonstrated and displayed well. I think many people show it in their lives, their religion, their writing. I am often dual in my nature, if not far beyond two in multiple.

Icon MEME: Comment on this post. I will choose seven userpics from you profile and you will explain what they mean and why you are using them. Repost only if you want.

Picked by imaginaryalice

See the moment I see this icon my first reaction is always "Aww." Xanth was where I started my love of fantasy fiction as a young child. Try to picture me barely ten-ish sitting with this big tome of the first three. Why? Because my mother read them. And I could be that cool. I, also, truly adored this series as I was growing up (though it was perhaps dwarfed marginally by the Mode books).

The icon means a lot to me though, as my icons need to have multiple messages in them. We'll start with 'I love dragons', which is very minute in this one. The two characters present are Princess Ivy and The Gap Dragon, both deaged and amnesia'd, by the fountain of youth. The Sorceress of Enchantment and a terrifying dragon who suddenly find themselves in the strangest of situations. And thus they become the best of friends.

This is to point out friends come in all shapes and sizes. But most of all it is to remind me, tomorrow's situation could change me/open my eyes/make today's most disliked person my best friend and confidant.

I could easily pass this off on Kushiel’s, but that would be too small. We'll start there though. This is a much beloved novel and double series, as she is one of my favorite three authors. I've written fic. I love all the characters, good and evil. I love the sex and the politics, and that neither takes up more or less space than is necessary for the systematic movement of the plot. Love as Thou Wilt, with the understanding of what it means is one of he best messages of a society I've ever had in a world I was granted by book.

Beyond this...this is one of my very most Unconditional Love icons. That is harder to explain, but I believe that the words upon it are very much a remembrance as they are a prayer. I believe compassion and forgiveness are two of the most important things in this world. I don't think liking someone has a whole lot to do with loving them. Yes, it makes it easier, but it's not required. Compassion and forgiveness are. I, also, can not even form a sentence of what sort of turbulence these ideas will challenge you to.

Oh, Clementine. This is an icon from Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind [a movie I think I could wax poetic/philosophy on forever]. Everyone has a little Clementine in them. The talking too much, laughing too loudly, following the fancy of the moment. It's about living with passion and without patience, to run with it when love comes into your sights. About jumping for the sun, and knowing the value of innocence when it lurks behind every mask.

This is one of the many icons also which works for my ADHD, which I've had diagnosis since I was four. And like breathing, I don't think one out grows something that is part of them. You do learn the routines which best fit you. Even impulsive, spontaneous, joyous, boundless things.

This is Maia from 4400 in the early show. This is about being from the wrong time or not fitting in. This is about having opinions which don't fit into the modern world which I live in. This is about being alone. About being left behind. About having to lose family and friends in becoming (even when you know better will come). This is mistress of magic on the hill. This is knowing that the road is sometimes alone. This is about being 'special'. This is being singled out. This is the precarious trepidations against time.

Precious exchange and open honesty. This is my truth--Unconditional Love--tell me yours. Let me be bare in my soul before you and give me the gift of showing me the bare truth of your own. I am a friend of exchange. I am a friend of many people. Many who really dislike each other and whom never seem to understand how I can get along with so many, so very different people. How, you ask?

Because I love passion, regardless of whether I agree with your reason/idea/etc, and I respect someone who can speak/share clear about passions. This is my truth, it whispers. I'll drop my shields and trust you to trust me to know myself and show you my truest self as I know it now. This is my whisper that in knowing myself, I long to know the world and it's children. I love to be among those who do know their truths or who are seeking them.

This is schooling for me. In many ways. In just the picture, I admit to being a woman of my century, moved and plagued by the inconstant world. I was a size sixteen in high school. I've in recent years been a size three. I'm a tiny but beyond it again. I am learning who I want to see in the mirror and how to move beyond the demons who don't exist (and never did exist) in my skin. I want to be a wonderful woman. I am still creating my personal definition of what this mean. Inside and out.

This is also vastly about the modern again. Because there is much expected of a person. Much which is consider right and wrong. And I am working on the path which is mine. What is right from Amanda. Not the world. Here, also, we enter into the fact I was a seventeen year soprano and thus music is as necessary as that air I addressed. This beautiful line of truth is from "Not My Slave" by Onigo Boingo.

There is proud, painful, true, beauty in these words which Humbert Humbert bore in Nabokov's pen for Dolores Hayes, best known as Lolita. As Russia meant for America. As everyone feels about someone or something so completely in their life. The tender sense of resplendent glitter and the decay at once. The duality we addressed up, sinfully sweet and painful.

This is love. This is Russian's writers. This is writers who weaves words. This is obsession. This is gift and surprise. And history.

And for me;

Taurus - "For those who are walled up, everything is a wall . . . even an open door." in conveying this thought from the French poet René Char, I don't mean to imply that you're any more walled up than the rest of us, Taurus. My reason for mentioning it at this particular moment is to prod you into taking aggressive action to un-wall yourself in whatever ways you can. According to my reading of the omens, the cosmos will reward your efforts to topple facades that are obstructing your view and preventing you from being touched.

meme, profile, icons, school, horoscope

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