Nov 21, 2012 10:54
Title: Dreaming of Greece, Always, Always
Author: HMB
Genre: Narrative
Rating: PG
Word Count | Length: 129 - Drabble/POV
Summary: Oh Greece, how I miss thee.
Warnings: None.
Disclaimer: These are my own words, any similarities are purely coincidental.
Distribution of any kind is prohibited without the written consent of HMB.
Author’s Notes: I wrote this a long time ago, reposting for the sake of posting.
Dreaming of Greece, Always, Always
My dreams has always been vivid,
but in the few seconds after I wake up, I try and piece it altogether - only to have it scattering in the wind, away from reasoning, calculations, and logistics. I promised myself to never question my dreams for they don’t always seem to make sense… except for those few rarities that I get irrevocably caught in when I’m awake. It made me remember of all the times I spent in Greece, the pristine water I wanted to swathe myself in, the harbors that called me home, the local restaurants that reminded me of a family gathering instead, and Just. About. Everything.
My subconscious is whispering to me, “Go back. Go back.”
Wait for me.
*Despite the crises going on over there, of course...
À la prochaine, H
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