(no subject)

Sep 08, 2005 23:49

So. I'm back in Norway, and so far so good. I'm still in the honeymoon stage of life. I'm not sick of living at home yet, and my mom isnt sick of having me. These are both realy good things, but they will both end eventually. I know it and everyone else in the house knows it. We even acknowledge it when we talk about "the future".. this omnious unwalked path leading in to the unknown. We'll see what happends with work and stuff first. Hehe.. I think my Football coach will try to get me a job nearby so I can keep playing, however I must admitt I'm drawn other places. Some say communications is the "non major".. well.. so is Business. What do I realy know. I've dabled in a multitude of things, and I have a general idea about a lot of things.. but thats about it
Oh well.. I'm stuck with loans, and all i have to show for it is this beautifull mind I'm equiped with.. and I'm starting to doubt the beautifull part.. and heck.. maybe the mind part also. No worries though, I'm realy good at faking it.

Whatever happends I'm happy about life at the moment. I'm thankfull for the smell of nature that surounds me, and although China was great smog can never replace the smell of fresh grass and green trees.. Guess who's going on a cabin trip this weekend YEY!! Going with Sigurd.. will be solving world problems.. the Norwegian election, the international problem and girls
If we can get girls out of the way I'll be realy impressed. I mean what I keep saying, that Girls are the biggest enigma of this world, maybe after God.. but mostly we keep asking him "Why did you ever make Girls the way they are".. so probably not

Whatever happends, I hope the force is with you :-) May you always find shade from the sun, cover from the rain, and food on your plate.

Lots of love

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