...is what I have left.
Re; my last post i.e. an online lament over my perceived lack of organization and inability to Just Pull Myself Together, I have now Managed To Sort Things Out and Feel Less Like Curling Up in a Ball and Doing Nothing. Results;
- I've paid my March rent despite, obviously, not being there in March. I'm going to hand over additional forward rent tomorrow once Olina and I decide what amount is best. And, I have also been given the option of paying upon return. I have no desire to move from the flat thus, the Pachta's have been most understanding. So I'm bleeding money. To be expected and, Joanna owes me several thousand(Czech Crowns) for shipping her things to Barcelona.
- Since I'll be recieving a paycheck (direct deposit thank God) next month, it should be enough to pay the internet while away as that to is automatically deducted from my account. Its not much and,Vanessa and Senti can pay me for their share upon my return.
- Have decided what to pack and what to leave. Mum says not to worry about bringing ithings like toilettries since those can be bought there and, I have things set aside in the second bathroom i.e. mine. So, I've opted for packing everything else in my huge purple suitcase and placing my laptop , a mini model, into my messenger-cum-laptop bag. Luggage sorted. My light tops will take up little room and can serve as insulation for my art case and supplies.
- Classes have been handed over to new teachers.
- Saturday night invites sent via FB. No one has posted a yay or nay as of yet. Hope I'll not feel like some huge loser if no one shows. Then again, a few have verbally RSVP'ed so, yeah, that should be nice.
- Jim has mellowed out and, while, he'll miss me,has snapped out of that funk that was killing both our moods. Plus, he's taken on lots of new courses so he'll be making money and passing the time.
- The Barns and Noble is looking for patr time work. Good way to kill 12 weeks, right?
- Room coming together i.e. Not a Tip
Other Good Things
Fish Dream of Tea, the riting group started by the devine Ms. Selena herself. Our name, which I like the more I think about it, was born after a rousing poetry-themed guessing game. We have a blog. Hands to Peter for getting it going.
I'm sorry to miss the next three months, but via e-mail and blogs, there's no reasonf or me not to be involved. I asked about overseas contributions and was told yes, of course. I'll have more time to be creative if anything else so, a critical eye, or many pairs of eyes, would be aboon for cultivating and improving present work.
women poets (such as myself and Selena and Anne and so many others) this is a huge hindrance. I want to flourish because of the Prague writing scene, not in spite of it. I am not alone in this observation and as one of the few woman readers (other are Selena, Anne, Sarah B) its easy to feel shut out or humored by men poet who, in some cases, erm, aren't all that.....well, they have their own style
( Selena, you remember the Nordic guy who would. not. stop. reading. EVAR!).
I recall my foolish worry that my writing, despite honest, helpful encouragement from one of the Dominating Male Poets, wasn't good enough for publication ( a new local lit mag) and then reading with despair over the quality of one of the poems. In short, I need to trust my work much more then I do now. With F.D.O.T, I'm presented with a small but vital group that, with time, can become something not apart from the scene, but a real, vibrant contribution. And, with .F.D.O.T being such a diverse group, I don't feel that 'our gang' mentality that creeps into some readings and compromises my abilities as a writer.
FYI, Jim and I had a lovely Valentines with a fine brunch, a visit to the Czech Press Photography Exhibit, coffee and cake at the Kinskey Palace cafe, home-cooked feast, gifts, wine, chocolate, and snuggling. Was, um, on my cycle so no hot action there. Still a great day....
Mum is looking forward to having me for a few months and, in a way, so am I. The weather will be a nice change I can tell you that!
Had a fantastic night with Sarah cutting up materials for collages, listening to French music, and eating mouth-watering vegetarian food.
So, when are you good people up North able to host a visiting friend ;-)? Or, at least join her for a day.....