Aug 05, 2008 12:36
So, the photo I posted of Linds in front of Goucher didn't quite pan out. Going to try again, but place it under a cut and hope it works. However, as the instructions for the typical cut and paste and copy are in Czech, it may not work today. Was going to try it on Rob's, but I never got around to it. Fail.
However, I did, for the first time, did have a chance to give some sisterly wisdom concerning Linds rather unpleasent new working situation. As leaving in each day in tears or on the verge of them, and she is no shrinking violet so, you know, its that intense. I suggested that she find a better position that didn't eat away at her emotionally, mentally, and physically. Apparently there are som managers that think the most effective way to train and 'encourage' new staff is to humiliate them in front of customers, make them feel inadequate at every turn, and/or make drama at every possible turn in order to prove some point/idea. I mean, I could have told her to tough it out, to brush it off, to ignore and to please, but she is, by blood and nature, an extention of myself and such behavior wears thin. I would shudder to discover my darling sister had snapped and bluggoned her boss to death with a toddler sized jug of Vitamin booster powder in the supplements isle. Or ,is that just what I would do? Anyway, with a degree in social work and years of youth center experience behind her, she should have little trouble finding a new, and more rewarding, position. Also, she's planning her wedding at that is a whole other world of stress so really, job drama is the last thing she needs right now.
Speaking of stress, work is going well right now and with summer winding down, I'll be working full time by September. Okay, so that wasn't the best segway as I'm not actually stressed by new job...yet. I'll be teaching only 16 hours total this month as supplied by Glossa though I still have my private students. However, as stated above, I'll be back to 22 plus hours a week with more as the fall progresses. I've also aquired a new private student, via Tommy's Mum, and I'll be working with him as of October. My only concern is, as with any A1-A2 level student, is the fact that their English is so limited that basic instruction and communication may interfere with the actual lesson. With B2 to C2 students I at least have the crutch of basic English, and sometimes more then basic, to formulate lessons and, plan out a syllabus for the rest of the year. I'll just have to wait and see how pre-intermediate he really is and go from there. At least I'm spoiled for choice with material.
Speaking of summer, Rob and finally managed to make it out to Sharka, located just outside Prague to the west. Located in the middle of a sprawling park and nestled behind towering rock ledges and ice-cold streams, Sharka is home to two good sized pools (man made and heavy on the chlorine of course) and situated on the base of a hill. Friday was painfully hot so we took the afternoon off and joined the speedo and bikini clad of Prague for an afternoon dip. Ah, speedos aka Requisite Swimwear for Every Man in Europe 'cuse you know, nothing says relaxing by the water in the middle of glorious nature like constantly averting your eyes so Jan and Franz can air out/constrict the family jewels. Was more then grateful that Rob chose river trunks over say, a few inches of spandex and elastic. Fashion crime aside, the water was deliciously cool, the scenery amazing, the walk back delightful, and all capped off with an amazing home cooked meal of Indian steaks, boiled potatoes, green beans, and vanilla ice cream topped with a heavy dose of MST3K. The rest of the weekend was long walks around the park near his flat, swimming in the nearby lake, delightful home cooked meals, brunch, sleeping in, and OMG going to see the X-Files: I Want to Believe as I will always be in love with Mulder and Scully. Rob is a novice to the delight and amazement that is The X-Files thus it'll be my job to educate him. Mind you, it is on TV here, but ludicrously dubbed so, you know, I dont' watch it.
Jason is home from Moscow (thank God!) so we'll be getting together on Thursday for all the juicy details.
Dinner at my girl Natalie's Wednesday.
Must also text Kelly and Rebeka!
Hmm. That seems to be all for now.
Watch this space for more details.