Tarot Card Decks

May 16, 2009 03:00

They have pretty artwork and I'm fascinated by mythology and pretty art. Aesthetically pleasing? I want.

I don't really believe that divination works, but it sounds like an interesting hobby. And, again, the cards just look so cool.

Dark Grimoire deck
Dragon deck
Dreams deck
Druid Animal Oracle deck
Enchanted Oracle deck
Faeries Oracle
Fairy Ring Oracle
Fairy (Italian) (very cute)
Fantastic Menagerie (anthros)
Fantastical Creatures
Favole Tarot (gothic--romantic and dark)
Flower Spirit Cards
Forest Folklore
Goddess Knowledge Cards (multiple pantheons, pretty artwork)
Goddess Oracle
Gothic (photographs from cemeteries)
Gothic Tarot of Vampires
Graven Images Oracle (uses cemetery/graves/monuments photos as symbols)
H.R. Giger (dark imaginings)
Halloween (cute)
Harmonious (light, flowery)
Hawaiian Oracle (animal spirits and mythology)
Healing with Angels Oracle
Healing with Faeries Oracle
Hermetic (intricate detail)
Hugobian (teddy bears--super cute)
i Cani (different dog breeds)
Initiatory Tarot of the Golden Dawn (comic-bookish)
Le Carte delgi Elfi (faeries)
Legacy of the Divine Tarot (Rider-Waite based, nice art)
Legend: Arthurian Tarot
Lo Scarabeo Tarot 
Lorland Chen Tarot (China; limited edition)
Lunatic Tarot (very pretty)
Madru: Das Baum Tarot (Tree + Rider-Waite)
Mage The Awakening Tarot (WoD)
Mage The Ascension (old WoD; darker)
Magic Manga Tarot (Manga style)
Magical Unicorns Oracle
Manara: The Erotic Tarot
Manga Tarot
Margarete Petersen Tarot (German)
Messages from the Wee Folk
Midnight Soul Tarot
Miracle Tarot (anime)
Moonprincess Himiko Tarot
Native American Tarot
Nature's Healing Oracle (power of plants for well-being)
Necronomicon Tarot (HP Lovecraft)
Ocean Oracle (Shells)
Ogham: The Celtic Oracle (trees significant in Celtic and Druidic mythology)
Olympus Tarot
Oracle of Shadows and Light (Blythe doll-esque)
Pathfinder's, the Animal Totem Deck
Paulina Tarot (Victorian/Tim Burton-esque)
Power of the Runes (illustrated through Nordic scenes)
Rabbit Tarot
Ramses: Tarot of Eternity
Rocambole (Toltec; Russian only)
Russian Gypsy Fortunetelling Cards
Russian Tarot
Samurai Tarot
Shadowscapes Tarot (puimun on dA)
Shaman Tarot
Swedish Witch Tarot
Swietlistej Drogi Tarot
TaRat (Rats not people)
Tarot Lukumi (dedicated to Santeria, Afro-Cuban Orisha Spiritual system called Lukumi)
Tarot of Gemstones and Crystals
Tarot of Mermaids
Tarot of Pirates
Tarot of the Animal Lords (animal heads on human bodies)
Tarot of the Celtic Faeries
Tarot of the Druids
Tarot of the Hidden Folk
Tarot of the Magical Forest
Tibetan Gemstone Oracle
Ursidae Tarot (teddy bears!)
Wisdom of the Australian Animals Deck

divination, collections, paganism, lists, hobbies, tarot cards, collecting

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