Nov 26, 2005 22:38
yeah, again i am feeling very loved. anyone noting the sound of sarcasm there...hello....somebody
ok since no one reads this...or so it one ever comments on anything i say...
recent updates:
signing up for classes at nova
my brother is in town for a couple of days
stacey is still coming up for a visit
it doesn't seem like she wants to spend much time with me at all
very bummed
heather will be in town for a visit
very much looking forward to that
hopefully i get a chance to take her out for dinner around all the other plans she has
gotta save 2000 dollars come march
need to get into computer school
gotta make something of my life
gonna be something that people can be proud of...something somebody will be glad to say they love...hopefully those words will come more often...and much more...
anyway gotta go