Hey guys, I'm back.
Vacation was wonderful, Ocean Shores is a nice little place, and if you have allergies I highly recommend it. We did walkies for exercise and fudge and ice cream for indulgence. I added to my sea shell and feather collection, and we saw sea gulls, pelicans, cormorants, deer of various ages, found a dead seal during one walk (it was either a leopard seal or a harbor seal, not really sure), and a live crab on the next (which was promptly dubbed 'crabby', wished good luck, and tossed back in).
Did some shopping, got my feet wet, and all in all had a wonderful time.
Wutaiverse didn't go as I expected. What was supposed to be a page of introspective turned into a 7-page monster that's probably going to grow when I type it up. So, yeah, don't expect a posting this week.
I've been getting nibbles suggesting that the temp job I started my become a real job, but I gotta call my agency to make sure (crosses fingers).
I'm definitely going to take part in
springkink, limiting myself to 5 prompts only(someone dump some water on me I'm really doing this!).
Also, I've discovered this interesting radio station, 1090AM, they are rather fascinating to listen to (its progressive political radio, for those who aren't interested), they do a really good job of making fun of people in power who do stupid things.