So, there I was typing up the original 1988 - 09, when I sat back to review it only to realize that it was basicly a rewrite of a previous post, with the characters changed around and the parts put in different places.
In other words it was crap.
Opened up a new document and spent about five minutes starting at the screen thinking aobut what I wanted to show in this piece, thankfully this is what I got.
Title: 1988 - 09 - New Players
Author: Scrolls
Rating: PG-13?
Fandom/Pairing: FF7/None (eventual Aeris/Cloud/Sephiroth/Zack)
Disclaimer: SqaureEnix Owns, I'm just having some fun.
Notes: There's eye in them thar hills.
Summary: What if Momma Strife had taken Cloud and Aeris and gone to Wutai, what would be the same, and what would be different?
Constructive criticism will be hugged while flames will be used to line the bunny hutch.
Enjoy Ladies and Gentlemen.
1988 - 09 - New Players
He crouched low on the hill, tall grass hiding them perfectly as is waved in the breeze. Dots of clouds were scattered across the sky like spilled marbles, making those they were watching eye the weather with speculation.
They needn’t worry; the wind would drive the clouds far before they would release their rains.
To either side of him were his fellow watchers, the woman on his left keeping an eye on the road, the man of the left watching the tree line. Behind him, in a dip between three hills was a lovely little gully. From one hill was a tiny brook, not so large as to make a stream, but big enough for their needs.
It was also perfect as the lay of the land was such that no one could get near without being spotted, and they could easily slip away without being found.
Below him was the standard outpost set up, garage with gas silo, three warehouses, and a combined office, barracks, and cafeteria. Here and there around the building you could see the traces of a bored green thumb.
So far all their targets had been smaller, their aim the wilderness supplies and small firearms kept within.
Now they were taking it up a notch.
This post would have materia, moderate arms, grenades, potions, possibly even the more portable computer equipment.
They wouldn’t hit it today, and definitely not tomorrow. They were waiting.
The post was due to be resupplied soon, then they would strike, for as soon as the convoy left and everything was accounted for, at least half the men would be sent on leave, and once they got back the other half would be sent on leave.
So they would wait, until the first group got back, tipsy form the local brews, relaxed and totally unprepared, until the second group was in town where by the time they got back it would be too late.
And the part that made him laugh was that in Shinra’s arrogance, their actions would be labeled bandits or wutai.
How so like them to not look beyond their own noses, to think that someone would have the courage to act against them.
Well, that would soon be changing.
I hope you all like, I know I do. Enjoy your week everybody!