Cheers for a Monday Update! And to top it off I've almost got all the outlines for 1988 finished to boot! Things are looking up!
In other news I've finally decided to crack down and start an exercise program, I do believe I've gained my freshman 15 this past year, and it's high time I got rid of it!
That's all for now, enjoy the fic!
Title: 1988 - 05 - Pleasant Surprises, Future Implications
Author: Scrolls
Rating: PG-13?
Fandom/Pairing: FF7/None (eventual Aeris/Cloud/Sephiroth/Zack)
Disclaimer: SqaureEnix Owns, I'm just having some fun.
Notes: Paperwork, the universal annoyance.
Summary: What if Momma Strife had taken Cloud and Aeris and gone to Wutai, what would be the same, and what would be different?
Constructive criticism will be hugged while flames will be used to line the bunny hutch.
Enjoy Ladies and Gentlemen.
1988 - 05 - Pleasant Surprises, Future Implications
Aizen’s office was a simple affair of soft woods and leathers tucked away from the main hub of the pagoda; if one was being polite one would call the area artistically rustic, if one wasn’t being polite, it was a run down dump.
Most likely the reason Aeris had chosen it for her garden.
That and no one came here unless they had to, and everyone that could made sure they didn’t have to.
When Aizen wasn’t here the room looked like an almost empty storage room, with furniture carefully wrapped and boards leaning against the walls. The lack of dust was explained by the openings in the wall.
When he was here the furniture was unwrapped, the holes in the wall plugged and the boards moved aside to reveal hidden panels containing various papers and reports.
A quartet of his ninja kept watch, and could easily let him know if anyone was coming- rare though that was- and within two minutes the room would look abandoned while he slipped away to do his less than sensitive paperwork elsewhere while waiting for whomever it was to leave.
Aizen refused to make the same mistake that got his predecessor killed.
Dropping what he had been reading onto one pile he picked up the next and started reading. Everything he got was sorted piles after he was finished reading it; The Emperor, Burn, Hide, Scribe.
The Emperor was for those items that Godo either wanted to know or needed to know about.
Burn was for those things that, while he needed to know about, or needed to know the progression of, it was simply a bad idea to keep any records of. EVER.
Hide were those documents he was keeping, they would be bundled, labeled, and sent via courier ninja to one of their hidden places where the information would be stored for later.
Documents that went to Scribe were those that fell into multiple categories, and needed to be taken apart. Each paper that went into the Scribe pile would have various parts circled with instructions of pile and order beside then, it could also have a simple copy order on it.
The original and whatever had been made would be sent back to him for a once over before send that various parts to their destiny and burning the original.
Laying his current read on Burn- while he, Godo, and those involved were aware of Snatch, the rest of Wutai had best never know- he then picked up the rather large bundle that had been waiting for him.
Ah, yes, the regular school reports.
It was a well know fact in Wutai that the ninja were trained at schools that were known only to ninja and so incredibly hard to find that it wasn’t worth it too look.
And the few that did find them never lived to tell the tale.
Being the leader that he was, he got regular reports from each school giving an over all of how the students were doing, and estimate on when the next batch was graduating, and how many they new students they could take for the next group.
As he read each report he jotted down some questions for the head of the school and tossed the report in the Burn pile.
He was going to have to use an ice material when he left; it was getting too warm in here for an un- used room.
And finally he got the headache for the school reports: Princess Yuffie Kisaragi.
On the one hand he had to admit, the girl was refusing to give up, and was making progress- the recent fight was only an example of that.
Bundled with her school reports were some of the morale reports that concerned her. Surprisingly, the commoners had taken the news that Yuffie was following the Ninja path quite well, in fact many approved- mostly to not see her follow the fate of the late queen.
The soldiers seemed to think that a warrior queen would bring good luck on the battlefield when the war finally started. And those merchants, crafters, and teachers who specialized in weapons and the lessons to use them were seeing a rise in business.
It seemed many were returning to the old tradition where the women of the family were seen as the last line of defense against an attacker.
The nobles of course, had been quietly horrified, and several marriage offers had been withdrawn in protest- the emperor had ignored them. They had also protested so many commoners owning weapons- the emperor had ignored that too.
If there was one thing he was glad for in all this, it was that he was not in charge of body guarding the girl. Knowing the princesses personality she would take the field of battle everyone’s opinion be dammed.
Flipping back to her lesson reports he reread them, noting the tone of the writing. Well, it seemed the girls’ refusal to give up was finally starting to get her some respect from her teachers, and at least one had realized what it would mean for them to have a Ninja Queen.
He hadn’t known near- hysteria could be written so elegantly.
And as for her fellow students, after the massive beat down Yuffie had dealt to the top students the girl was finally getting some respect.
Placing the entire stack, combined with his own report and estimate of said fight, into the Emperor pile leaned back with an amused expression on his face.
Aizen had long since come to terms with what having a Ninja Queen would mean for Wutai.
What most didn’t know was that long ago the idea of Yuffie not being trained by the ninja would have been considered madness.
Have a Good Week All!