This Intellectual Need...

Oct 01, 2007 12:36

I haven't been this hungry in years.  My mind, once a barren ground, now desperate for rain, the seeds waiting for relief from the dying heat of the stored knowledge of a year in solitude.  Feed me, would you please!  Not just Nietzsche, but Walter Benjamin, Franz Kafka, Albrecht Camus, Borges, Lewis Carol, CS Lewis, Bohnhoeffer; I want the secrets of this world.  I desire them like Gollum desired the ring, they are bloody precious and my mind froths and the monster rages, so hungry, so famished.  My cup within is overflowing and all these drips have spilled upon the brutal palate of the monster and he, having tasted the vast depths of knowledge desires freedom.  The filthy beast is raging inside his cell, my heart rocking like an volcano's first awakening, swells with heat and pride.  I've got murder on my mind and I'd like to kill this festering thing once and for all, but my hands are stayed when he quells and he quells, slides back into a restless slumber.

They are aways pursuing me, the Riders in the dark cloaks.  They move like specters, ambitious children on horseback, actions linked to reactions linked to veiled persuasions.  Delilah is at their head, her flowing raven tresses form a canopy that blots out the moon and under and dark sky she pursues me.  She speaks bats, crimson eyed creatures that lift their wings from between her cold purple lips to torment my dreams.  O but she whispers so sweetly, so delicately between the steam in my mind, the labyrinths she wanders between my rooms, always whispering in melodious tones.  I want to pursue her, I want the taste of her delicate flesh, i want to feel her fingernails digging into my skin till I bleed my light fully into her being, and sigh into the endless nite.  She corners me and drains me till I've only got mutterings on my breath as she alights above the right angles and like an empty angel she rises into the trackless void of my deeper mind.

Mechanical imagery inside, the ticking spring wound and rusted, turning down till decay; the unstoppable force of a world burning out.  The weight of the Earth, calculated in finite terms, set spatially in the continuum of motion, perpetuating a myth that life may yet flourish beyond our lives.  It is a lie.  Think back to the fords on the banks of the Rubicon.  Irrevocable, we've become irreversible now.  When our star burns out, will we die quickly, like a flash of light as the world comes to an end?  Irrevocable, we've become irreconcilable.  When we revolve one last time and Venus hangs naked before our naked eye, will you let me exclaim; "Finally, I am home!"

Therefore returned, I dream once more of your words, deep and fathomless, my best intentions sent to serve the diving to your abyssal plain to retrieve the secrets of you brilliance.  Will you sing for me in quiet tones that sooth my ravaged heart?  Will you dance like Christ alone is watching?  Will you let me hold your brokenness in submission to the Father?  Will you please feed my needs, my intellectual threads all askance, will you tie them up for your beloved?

Labyrinths, wandering with a blade of steel and a heart of hurt, out to kill the minotaur, to slaughter monster in his home, but the monster is me and the labyrinth is a collection of diametrically opposed mirrors that shine only in the red lights of my alarm.  So as I shatter the lives I've lived, yet to live, loved, yet to love, I'll come to an end, wipe the blood off my hand and return to your embrace.

Your embrace awaits; doesn't it?

apply honest passion to your desire, unashamed and afire, shine your light on me...
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