May 21, 2006 22:08
The Relegation Of Kingston Blackwood
Pt. 3
The shot entered his upper back on the left side, tearing straight through him and exiting his heart by way of his chest. He jumped into me as the bullet shook him and together we crashed back into the rubble. Benny by now was up and moving about. He grasped my shoulder, shouting words I couldn't hear, but clearly understood. I lifted Abele and we moved again out the back of the shop. Another blast from the Panzer and the building collapsed entirely behind us. Down another side-street and into another alley we came across a destroyed German transport wagon. Dropping to a knee behind the charred thing I set Abele down before me. I could see the thick stain that coated the front of his uniform and I quickly tore open the tunic. My hands found only the sopping mess of a young heart already faded. His eyes stared with glassy intensity into the smoke filled sky and his pressed lips gave the impression of distance and time. My crimson hands let up from their query, the boys fate already decided. Benny, who had been watching our previous path now turned back to see the boy and my own still form.
"We've got to be up and going sir. Those damn Krauts are going to be close." His voice spoke with desperation and sadness, but an inherent urgency.
"I know. Just a moment more, I need to catch my breath." Through gritted teeth I answered him, all the while fighting back the first tears of the war.
The boy's satchel hung still around his shoulders and in a state of quite shock I rustled through the burned flap and began to pull out envelope after envelope, uncertain of what I was searching for, but searching nonetheless. My fingers left red marks on each piece and parcel, each postcard, each letter sealed with a lipstick kiss and a hint of perfume now took on a ghastly look as I smeared the poor boys life upon them. I could remember the first day I had met the lad, his first words, When this is all over, I'll be the postmaster in town, you'll see Sergeant, you'll see. And then you'll have to mail and visit and I can show you all the best places for swimming and running. All the while his eyes shone with a youthful intensity where any dream was attainable and every world a possibility, but now, now it was merely sleep that he had and an eternity to dream of.
I reached the bottom of the pack and retrieved the last letter to find the name my own. Was this fate's cruel twist that on my dying day a beautiful letter extolling the virtuous nature of my lover and her unending dedication to my war ravaged form would reach my arms? Hurriedly I torn open the envelope, slick fingerings sullying the both the exterior and the paper continued with in. I wiped at my eyes so that I might read with clarity;
Dearest Kingston,
I write with heavy heart to inform you that our meetings may not continue. I have come to the realization that I was too far taken by such hearty adjectives and succulent verbs. My place is here with mother and you are off at war with your boys, perhaps I shall nevaR see you again. What an awful thing that you should die and I be left to my grief. So in forethought, to head off such disastrous consequence I am hereby rescinding us, please take my dearest condolences. Truly it was merely an honest mistake. I pray you safe and guarded.
With respects,
At first I could not comprehend the words, it was as if they spoke the same harsh sounding language that my pursuers did. Then I could hear her, I could see the words leaving her lips as she wrote them and in that now terrible screeching dialect of her youth I could hear her speak them through the cacophony of battle. Tides of rage and despair washed over me and settling, the rage, the horror, the ache of betrayal rose in me. In that instant the world became a cold, dead place and like a man at rest, six miles beneath the sea all was calm and still. The blood continued slowly down the page, the last bits escaping my skin and staining the soft white paper. I must have looked as if I was possessed, staring at a letter and envelope, that now I realized, as missing the trademark taste of her lips. Blood hung around my eyes where I had first rubbed them and Benny's reaction was accordingly frightened.
I paid him no mind though; the quiet was all I knew. Without hesitation I stood and began to fire at the moving men before me. They had found us again and surely it would only be a matter of time before the Panzer came upon us to finish this fight. With cold precision I stood motionless and picked off two of them before dropping down to reload. Benny simply stared at me as he sat having needed to reload himself.
On my second need to reload I happened to glance into the wagon. The burned out hulk seemed at first devoid of any supplies, but upon closer inspection two Panzerfausts lay cradled in their blackened box. I dropped my .303 MKIII rifle and dug out the first launcher, carefully setting it upon my shoulder. Lacking in hesitation I rose again and fired at the huddled men now seeking cover from Benny’s suppressing fire. I depressed the trigger calmly and my bodied rocked with the rush as a fiery tail spurted behind the flying bomb. The small alley was no match for the rocket and thus it decimated both building and body upon impact.
und ich bin uberm die Stern...
Der Morgenstern
The Soap Opera Coma/The Soap Opera Coma "Don't Forget To Forget Where I Live"
The Fray/How To Save A Life "Dead Wrong"