Jul 09, 2009 23:12
There are some people who deserve to be hit with stale baguettes, like a few of my customers today. I've been working with the commercial breads the last couple of days, which means that I stock the shelves from the palettes we receive via big giant truck. Hard work for a relatively small woman like myself, especially when whoever stacks the palettes puts the English muffins on top because they're freaking heavy and the stacks are usually taller than I am.
So, by the time I finish, I'm usually pretty tired already, and that's just the first few of a nine hour shift (minus an hour lunch), but the displays look pretty and perfect. Now, I know they're not going to stay that way because those breads are there to be picked up and bought by the customers. However, that does not mean that I appreciated it when this man came in and started fondling all my neatly stack loaves before simply tossing the ones he didn't want back onto the shelves any which way. Put the freaking things back neatly!
Second and much smaller suck was the woman who picked up one of our boxed pies (I hate boxing them because our baker/manager has a habit of not telling us what the hell is in them) and carried it around the store with her before bringing it back. That in itself was fine. I've done the same. But would it have killed her to walk two more feet to put it on the right table?
The last customer that stood out wasn't actually sucky, just odd. She wandered around the store for a good while, balancing an opened umbrella against her shoulder and holding up a radio to her ear that, as far as I could tell, was playing only static. She had a bunch of bags and purses on her, but didn't look homeless to me or like she was attempting to shoplift, so we just let her be past the normal greeting and she eventually wandered off.