Title: She's Like A Star Shining Just For Me
wanderingninjasPairing: Quinn/Santana
Rating: PG-13
Length: Unknown, under 500 words for sure
Spoilers: Preggers and Hairography.
Summary: Collection of Quinntana mini-ficlets, multiple genres. Yes, mini-ficlets, longer than micro-ficlets, shorter than ficlets. Please excuse craptastic title.
Disclaimer: I don't own Glee or its' characters. Only Ryan Murphy can truthfully say that, however undeserving of the privilege he may be.
Author's Note: So I just discovered this concept of "microfics," which apparently are mini ficlets of like, ten words, in different genres of fanfiction. Immediately I wanted to try it, and promptly realized there was no way in hell I could stick to ten words. So I decided to go for twenty five words, or about one to two short sentences. Most of these are exactly at or under twenty five, although there's a few that are over, but all are under thirty five, I believe.
Santana hadn't slept without medication even once in the twenty-two days, thirteen hours, forty-seven minutes, and nineteen seconds since Quinn disappeared.
Alternate Universe
The cheerleaders glared in disgust at Santana and Quinn's linked hands. So Santana flipped them off and pulled her girlfriend close for a heated kiss in response.
Santana had managed to seduce Quinn with a mixture of Sharpies, fish eyes, and ninjas stars, all of which a drunken Quinn found incredibly sexy.
Quinn could not stand the sight of that absolute ass Draco Malfoy kissing Santana Lopez every single goddamn day in the Great Hall after breakfast.
Quinn had never been able to view Santana as short until she saw her girlfriend in a casket. In death, Santana seemed impossibly tiny.
Episode Related
What Quinn hadn't realized was that Santana hadn't alerted her of Puck's texting habits out of jealously, but instead to protect Quinn from Puck's disloyalty.
First Time
Santana wanted to kill Puck for being Quinn's first time. SHE was supposed to take the blonde's v-card, not that asshole...
Quinn's best days would always be spent with Santana, just reveling in each others' company.
Quinn was the only one who knew how to console Santana when Puck impregnated the Latina junior year.
Wheelchair sex was one of Santana's multiple fantasies. However, there was no way she was going down on Artie. Thank heavens Quinn's broken leg confined her to a wheelchair last week...
Unresolved Sexual Tension
Quinn Fabray was not gay. Really. She just happened to enjoy the sight of Santana Lopez in a Cheerios skirt. A little.
Or maybe a lot.