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next year make it a top 100 please jumblie March 10 2007, 22:49:20 UTC
supercool list. your taste in films, as i've said before, is impeccable. i'd have to put "let's scare jessica to death" in my number two spot, if i were to make such a list; i'd been wanting this movie for Years, having seen it as a little wee one, it left an impression on my brain and i always wanted to see it again. and number one would go to "pretty poison", which is a movie i've been waiting for with Palpable Desperation (i believe i've written about it in my LJ, on a wishlist or somesuch, back a year or two). these two films bookend my nightly insomnia round age 8 or 9, when i'd sneak down and watch CBS and its late late show. i also salute the many giallos that have been getting released in the last couple of years; i have a fondness for "black belly of the tarantula" which i first saw at the Cinemuerte film festival a long while back (alongside Kichiku, which also came out on dvd this year and which you should give a look). also, jigoku and equinox! thanks criterion! (have you seen the new madmen and monsters box set?) and the loved one! and ... and, everything on your damn list. you win.


Re: next year make it a top 100 please wanderingmoon March 11 2007, 19:13:10 UTC
Many thanks jumblie! I think you have impeccable tastes as well. :)

I''m glad you enjoyed my list and I appreciate that you shared the link in your own blog. I've looked ahead at what films will be coming to DVD this year and I gotta say... I may have to make it a top 100 next year! I hope to cover some of the new titles as they're released.

I believe you were the person who introduced me to Pretty Poison after we started talking about Anthony Perkins movies that needed DVD releases in your blog. I'm still rooting for The Fool Killer to get a proper DVD release too.

You also introduced me to Kichiku which I bought on DVD a year or two ago so it's been available for awhile and you were right, I really loved it! :)

That Madman & Monsters set looks amazing. I love me some Boris!


Re: next year make it a top 100 please jumblie March 11 2007, 20:33:45 UTC
one of the films on your list that i had Never heard of is "don't deliver us from evil". it sounds like precisely what i want to watch right this moment, so i just ordered it over there at amazon.

and how fun that i turned you on to "pretty poison". i think i'm always telling people about that movie. oh, one that got left off your top 30 list that would figure on mine is 1962's "panic in the year zero". have you seen this movie? it's a pretty good example of apocalypse cinema (and the dvd is a double feature that also includes "last man on earth", offering up great opportunities for and end of th' world party), and features none other than our man on the beach frankie avalon in what is certainly his bleakest film outing ("back to the beach" notwithstanding). "panic" is certainly another of those movies i'd been wanting to show up on dvd for years.

also! 2006 was the year of michael haneke. "benny's video", the amazing "the seventh continent" (which would be in my top ten were i to make a list for 2005), and "71 fragments of a chronology of chance" were released simultaneously. if you haven't seen any of these, i think you should give them a try...at least "continent" is a must see! (and, getting back to apocalypse cinema, have you seen haneke's "time of the wolf"?)


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