Nov 01, 2009 13:32
man, that felt good.
i finally got a new personal and business card lined out, and then called citibank today to cancel my two cards.
they, of course, passed me over to the Account Specialist (aka - the hard sell to keep the card). he pointed out to me that i pay my balance in full, and i am a 8 year member in good standing - does it really matter to me what the interest rate is when it doesn't effect me?
and i had the pleasure of saying to him that i understood that the rate did not impact me because of how i choose to manage my finances, but that their practice of forcing such high interest rates on their existing customers - EVEN THE GREAT ONES - was a business practice I could not support and that I no longer wanted to do business with them.
he asked if there was anything they could do to keep my business, and i told him if i saw citibank make substantial changes to their interest rate and other customer-facing policies to be fair to their customers, i would consider coming back, but not until then.
eat that, fuckers. (not that i really matter, but still :)