Title: Seven Firsts for Ron Weasley in the Months Following the Battle of Hogwarts
Pairing: Ron/Hermione
Rating: PG-13 (sexual innuendos, but nothing explicit)
Prompt: gift
In the minutes after the Battle of Hogwarts Ron thanked his Mum- really thanked her- for the first time in his life.
“Can’t get at me about my language now, can you?”
Molly half-sobbed, half-laughed, then hugged Ron while he held Hermione’s hand. In a quiet voice, he gave his mother the short version of the crimes Bellatrix had committed at Malfoy Manor.
Then he watched as his Mum drew Hermione to her chest and they hugged each other and cried and hugged and cried some more for reasons Ron felt went way beyond what had transpired during the night.
The first time Ron buried a brother was also the first time he spoke in front of a group larger than his Transfiguration class; at prefect meetings he had always preferred letting Hermione do the talking. He wished someone could speak for him today.
She helped him write the eulogy, but the memories were all his. He told how the twins had tormented him, twisted around to make it seem funny.
Somewhere in the middle of the mourners’ laughter over Fred convincing him to make an unbreakable vow, Ron realized that for the first time he honestly forgave his brother.
When Ron first initiated a snog with Hermione, he worried that she would reject him.
He knew he was wrong. She had slept in his bed ever since old what’s-his-name had been defeated, and while nothing happened between them in the nights, the tension between them during the days was palpable.
Two days after Fred’s funeral she said “We need to talk,” which startled him into action.
When they broke apart she smirked at him.
“Don’t think that will get you out of every conversation we need to have.”
He kissed her again to get the smirk off her face.
Ron always fidgeted when he was nervous. His first flight on a Muggle aeroplane was no different. He wanted to explore, but a surreptitious semi-permanent sticking charm cast on his seat by Hermione ruined that idea, and only made him squirm more.
It had not helped that his father had tried to explain to him how aeroplanes stayed up.
He wiggled when he could. He tried to watch the films. He pushed the button for the attendant until Hermione threatened to leave him on the plane if he did it one more time.
It was a long flight to Singapore.
Two weeks after arriving in Sydney, Hermione returned to the tent they were calling home frustrated, worried, and a little scared that they hadn’t yet found her parents, so it surprised Ron when she pulled him onto the sofa and snogged him.
He was shocked when she encouraged him to keep going. He wanted to be sensitive, to not take things too far, but when Hermione didn’t protest and they finally came together, he felt he had never been happier.
Afterwards she said, “I think I might have found them,” and began to cry.
He didn’t know how to respond.
Being introduced to the Grangers as Hermione’s boyfriend for the first time made Ron nervous.
Hermione snorted and asked if that was really the thing to be concerned about as she waved her wand and removed the Confundus charm.
After the spell was lifted and the story told and the tears cried, Mr. Granger stuck his hand out to shake Ron’s while Hermione and her Mum were in the kitchen making tea.
“I’m glad you’re taking care of my little girl.”
He tried to look Hermione’s father in the eye and not to blush or stammer.
“I love her, sir.”
Ron bought the necklace with his first paycheque from Wheezes and prayed Hermione would like it. He slipped the box into her palm when he saw her off on the Express.
“You didn’t have to get me a gift.” She blushed. “I thought last night was my present.”
“Look at that more as a favor.”
“Ron.” She rolled her eyes but opened the box. “It’s beautiful.”
He would miss her, miss talking to her every day, but he kissed her and told her to have a good term.
As the train pulled away, he counted the days until Christmas hols.
Originally posted to
the_hp_love during March 2008 to celebrate Ron's birthday!