February the 22: Cold again

Feb 22, 2009 18:41

Cold and very, very windy today. So windy in fact that my mom thought that if I wore my heelies and carried an umbrella I could just be blown a long for my walk today. Didn't try it although I was tempted, I took a nap instead. Every Sunday I have to get up around 9 to get back to my mom's house and, well, since I don't go to mass, do nothing until I finally wake up later. Oh course I could ago back to bed, but that just doesn't feel right somehow. And I can't think of a good alternative, I don't really mind spending the night at my dad's, but since this leaves me with only one day of the week to sleep in fully it does annoy me...
Anyway, I forgot to mention last night in the midst of all my ranting that my dad was able to fill out my FAFSA form entirely, he barely needed me at all. And he said that he remembered his mother getting annoyed at these forms since she had to fill out one for every one of her children in college and sometimes that was four people (there was no way they could've gotten by without loans, a widow raising six sons and one daughter doesn't have that kind of money). So huzzah for that, now, scholarships....
Today I studied for my Econ test on Tuesday and my Latin test on Monday (definitely need to study more for that though) and I hope to finally finish my Amu jacket. I meant to finish it about a month ago, but that was when I intially got sick and was worried about germs. Now, well, I woke up with a sore throat again this morning but it wasn't as bad as it has been (oddly enough I took no medicine o_O ) but I'm not worried about spreading germs. Also, I think I can whack out another cosplay this week if I finish off my jacket first, but for now I need to hurry off and work on my Latin project, I can't quite remember if it's due next Monday or the one after that, I think it's the one after that and my service hour project next Monday... signing off!

application, college, latin, sick, tired, cold, sore throat, sewing, shugo chara, cosplay, windy, economics, test, religion, project

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