January the 26: The cat is making a move on my bed

Jan 26, 2009 19:19

On Friday morning apparently the cat was waiting behind the basement door, waiting for my mom to open the door next to it (which separates her half of the hours from the half that my brother and I sleep in) and then bolted out to go to my room.
On Saturday he slept in and forgot to bother me.
On Sunday morning he was looking for me (I was at my dad's house).
This morning he followed my mom and followed her to right outside my door, when she turned to look at him he walked off in that nonchalant cat manner.
I feel like I'm being used, he only like me for my body head! Anyway, it was chilly today, while Thursday and Friday were balmy and Saturday was nice and temperate, it got cold again today, they were even putting salt on the sidewalks. Definitely need to check the school closings tomorrow, and we told my latin teacher today how she could get alerts on her cell phone since she usually doesn't find out until after she's at the gym (she leaves her house and like 5:45 in the morning! That's dedication). Had a religion test, but since it was scantron and I didn't have any sharpened pencils, I had to walk next door to my old math teacher's room, sharpen my two pencils, and then walked out with out saying anything (it's a walk by sharpening!).
Not much else happened.... going to buy the two Le Chevalier D'Eon DVDs I still need tonight (rightstuf has then for $5 apiece and since Funi has licensed them and it looks like they are only releasing them in thin packs I want to strike and get them now). But I still haven't gotten around to buying books off of Amazon. Damn, been meaning to do this for two weeks now, but my friends page takes soo much time these days, plus I was watching the latest Natsume Yujincho.... signing off now!

latin, anime, cat, cold, school, religion, natsume yujincho, le chevalier d'eon

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