January the 19 and the 20: Brr, snow

Jan 20, 2009 17:56

Yeah I didn't post yesterday because I gave myself a headache making motivational posters. But it's all okay because I didn't have school today! It snowed last night/this morning and while it didn't snow a lot (only an inch and a quarter so barely enough for a snowball fight and definitely not enough for sledding) the roads were also icy enough to close the schools. It's supposed to get really cold again tonight and people are worried that all the melted snow is going to freeze over into NC ice which is even worse. And I think it snowed everywhere in the state, there are reports on the AZ forums from Wilmington to a bit west of me, Charlotte to a bit north of me and I even heard some people in SC say they got snow. I think we got Chicago's weather...
Anyway, got to stay home and watch the Inaguration. I actually called shader and we probably talked for an hour, we both watched CNN and were having a running commentary on the ceremony (this made more funny since we could hear each other's TV in the background as well). So that was all well and fun, but I had to watch in a different room so I didn't disturb everyone else watching XD.

So, since I didn't get much done today (I did take some pictures outside but I feel like I'm in a bit of an photo slump right now) I give you my two remaining anime reviews!


ANN page
Good: Well, this anime has a lot of humor in it. I have made so many motivational posters from this series and could easily make a hundred if I had to (well, material wise, time wise that would be hard) and if you search Kannagi on photobucket you find dozens of amusing .gifs. Some of the characters are also very amusing (even if they struck me as a bit cliched). Also the art was nice but that's for another section.
Bad: Alright, when I was checking out this series I was told it was a supernatural series, no one told me that half of the series was more directed at otaku like Lucky Star (and I did discover that the director was the first director for Lucky Star). I thought it was going to be a serious series which it was, for the first two and last three episodes, so I kept waiting for it to become serious again (going, okay, they're buying bras now, and now in a maid cafe, okay why are they at karaoke?). So maybe it was just bad advertising but I would've enjoyed the show a lot more if I had know about this.
Art: I think they were calling this a "soft moe" art style and I really liked it. Some of the detailing (like a couple of the shots in or around Jin's home) were very nicely detailed. So the art is a plus here.
Music: Oh my god, the opening song has almost nothing to do with the series, but it's funny anyway. XD I also liked the ending song a lot (I think you would call it a ballad) and heard them repeated as background music several times in the series, especially towards the end of it. So the music was okay.
Final verdict: A 7 out of 10, I wouldn't want to buy this, unless I found it really cheap, but I do hope there is a second season. Also I mean to try out the manga soon, I think it's based on the manga and not a light novel.

Vampire Knight Guilty

ANN page
Good: I am of the opinion that the manga really drags on alot. And this is a bad thing when a new chapter only comes out once a month. The anime really speeds it up and this is quite nice, especially when they use material that only appeared in the most recent issues and this makes the story make more sense too. So yeah, pacing=good.
Bad: Well, they can't correct all the pacing issues and did change some things in the story (like the ending which they made more ending like and is actually the complete opposite of the manga). Not that I object to all the changes, only some of them and it makes me wonder how they plan to have a third season (nothing has been announced yet but the manga feels like it still has a bit to go).
Art: I like the art better in the manga since it is on the detailed side but the art worked here I think, Studio Deen seems to be upping their quality (um, I think they did this season, I know they did the first one).
Music: Average, nothing that really stood out, I believe the same artists were used as in the first season which might be why the music sounded so similar.
Final verdict: An 8 out of 10 and if I would buy this or not, I really flip-flop over this. There are some episodes where I go "yes I will" and some I go "ehh, not really interested." I'm really surprised though that this series hasn't been picked up yet. Actually if this series (and I mean both VK and VKG) aren't picked up this year then either it costs way too much or the anime companies have not noticed the twilight phenomenon. I know that bookstores are displaying a lot more vampire novels these days (and if you check the copyright dates they are pretty recent publishing as well) and if some company could pick up this series and get the first 13 episodes out (and in one set) between October and December (the new Twilight movie comes out in November) they could definitely get more sales from vampire-crazed teenaged girls.

So I think I need to get off, maybe I'll print off those instructions for making a fleece hat before I go... signing off!

review, anime, president, cold, snow, headache, vampire knight guilty, friend, no school, kannagi

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