December 28th: Note to self...

Dec 28, 2008 18:54

Don't play Wii Baseball, you will suck at it and pull back muscles, stick to boxing instead.
Anyway, yup I'm back, shader couldn't come over after all (I swear, that family of hers has absolutely NO TALENT in making schedules so it's so hard to plan when we can get together, never mind the fact we live 30 miles away) and yeah, still ticked over that. Also annoyed at Boarders, they only hold books for one day now (would it kill ya to hold em longer?) so they didn't have my copy of The Art of Full Moon and had to order it.
Grumble grumble, put me in a bad mood and I still don't want to do any real typing because of it, means more typing tomorrow, and I'm in that weird stage in vacation where you have a lot to do but you feel like doing nothing. Well, the weather is still bad so I can't get outside and so I feel so cooped up. Ended up vacuuming my room (boy did it need it, the fur from Horo's tail was all over the place) and I think I'll work on the patterns for Shiki's hat tonight when my mom and I finish up Tin Man. Also got over to good will, got some good stuff for my photo-shoot tomorrow (since I can't use shader's closet anymore, grumble).
And just to make my day perfect, Ted is over again. And has been over almost every day now. And AUUUGGGHHH, I just feel like crying sometimes when it starts to sink in that he's coming to stay Tuesday. And great, won't be able to do that later, ever since he started coming over, even my room hasn't been private enough, I've got no where to go. Man, it's no fair, all the girls in books have friends close enough that they can spend the night with if they need it, my friends don't live anywhere nearby! Or at least their houses aren't one story ranches with their bedroom window overlooking the deck with thin walls. Really, I mean, I'm not even sure how I'll keep cosplaying, I mean, I don't want to give him more stuff to tease me with, and if I tell him off ("Yes, I like wearing a pink wig and weird stuff, STFU!) I'll get royally reamed out by my mom. No fair no fair no fair no fair NO FAIR!
And it's still 8, no, closer to 7, months till college, god, how am I going to survive?!? Why did my mom, just why, why does life turn out like this! I know other people might have life worse, but that doesn't mean this doesn't suck for me!
Signing off, not quite sure what else to say...

ted, goodwill, friend, manga, cosplay

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