March 10th: It's finally warm (er) outside

Mar 10, 2008 19:50

Went for a nice walk today and I am proud of myself since I ran like, 1/7 or 1/8 of a mile in about 40 seconds (and couldn't breath normally for the next few minutes but that's okay!). But I am not happy since I am searching for a trailer for Vampire Knight (the anime is coming out in like, a month, usually there should be SOME SORT of trailer out by now!). Read all of Ironside today, was okay, probably would have liked it better if I could have actually remembered more than vaugely what happened in Tithe and Valiant. But Holly Black is a pretty good writer, although seeing the darker side of life always scares me a bit. Also read volume 6 of Platinum Garden (after I rescued it and my volume of Shugo Chara from AC's locker).
But I did have some issues with my art teacher today (not to her face though). We are drawing a person today (and will keep doing so for the rest of the week, same person). My teacher has her sitting on a stool on top of a table and all of us on the floor, so her feet are like, three feet above my head. Not directly above, and we are supposed to draw her (and on cardboard, never done that before). She was giving everyone a little bit of crtique and she said that my head was to big (on the picture, I try to keep my ego manageable) and that I drew the arms too straight (she was resting them on her knee) and that they were more diagonal to the floor. I said that it might be my point of view, I could only see a slight angle. She sits down, looks, and says they are definely diagonal. After she gets back up I stick my head where hers was and they arms look even straighter there! I've been noticing it lately, but I seem to actually see lines and shapes differently than most people. Same with poetry and prose, I always seem to understand it differently, and while this isn't a good or bad thing that's only for the moment, that could kill me on the AP exam. Is interpretation still interpretation if you are told how to do so? I seem to see the world in a different way and I am trying to draw what I see (and what was even odder was that most of my classmates were drawing the person as if they were looking at her at eye level, and that was how the example pictures were done, but why would it specifically go to such great lenghs to have us so far below the model?). Oh and these are supposed to be "costume pictures" and please, I've made weirder outfits for an everyday event than what she had on. Can't really critize the model but still, after seeing cosplayers I laugh at tame outfits like that, HAH!
Signing off.

art, book, warm, manga, school

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