December the 6th: Still cold!

Dec 06, 2010 23:41

I don't think that the wind has stopped blowing since Saturday actually, it did let up snowing once or twice today but it was pretty nasty overall. My nine am classes was canceled but I still had my noon test and one pm project due, glad we canceled knitting club in the evening since I don't want to go outside when it feels like negative four degrees. Lovely.
So, not much going on, with tomorrow being reading day I have some work, I'll get the last bits of projects done hopefully, and stay warm. I can't believe that I left not only my mom's (epic 80s style) legwarmers at home but also all my long underwear, if it's this cold tomorrow I am wearing my pj bottoms under my regular pants just so I can stay warm. Pfff, easier winter than last year's my foot, of course, it still is 2010 but that doesn't change the fact that I'm wearing some of my heaviest clothes and a hat in my room with the heat all the way up (and apparently the heat isn't working at all on one side of the dorm). Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to crawl under my blankets and try to stay warm now....

windy, weather, snow

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