September the 27th: I hate you too hulu

Sep 27, 2010 23:24

Gah, spent a good while arguing with hulu today (oddly enough it was going to let me watch Nura but since that's a recap episode I decided to skip it after all), it's been fine recently and then just would not work at all. I actually downloaded google Chrome to see if that helped and it gave me the same crap about clearing the browswer cache and restarting the browser. Um, hulu? I JUST DOWNLOADED THIS, IT DOESN'T HAVE A CACHE!
Ahem, I don't think it's related to what time I get on either but I'll try to pay attention to that more in the future and I finally found that Funimation has been uploading the dubbed episodes of Soul Eater to youtube so I'll just avoid hulu for a few days, good thing the new season of anime starts in a week.
Today was rather normal aside from the technology snaffu, gave another short article speech in Public Speaking (and again my classmates were bored*) and got my results back from my speech last Monday. An okay grade, my teacher said my delivery was excellent but the structure needed work, considering I had to wing most of the speech because I didn't have any time to prepare I didn't expect much different so it's nice to see I've at least got delivery down pat. Japanese went fine (did most of my review for Yojimbo although I have this sneaking suspicion that "I/he/they want" sentences involve some grammar we haven't learned yet), didn't do much in Design Fundamentals (not only do I work fast but I've had to do very little work outside of class anyway, so much for being terrified of spending three hours outside of class for every hour in it).
Knitting club was also fine but I'm surprised at all the extra work I have to do for the club. It doesn't seem like the other club members are doing a ton of outside work (although I might just not see it) and it does get tedious that I have to teach someone to knit every week (and I know that the president and treasurer are teaching people how to crochet each week too, no idea if they find it as frustrating as I do). Hell, I think I need to look up some how-to-knit videos so I can see how they teach people and see if I can pick up any tricks from them. Reminds me, gotta whip up a little pink scarf for the women's center for my dues this semester (ie, donate one thing to either charity or the sale) and then learn how to crochet, guess my leg warmer is getting put on hold again. It's funny, some of the newer girls seemed agast at the idea of using more than two needles at a time and it shows me just how much I've improved as a knitter over the year since I wouldn't been hesitant to do it last year and now I just accept that it's a technique you have to use.
And now off to bed and get some sleep for tomorrow, urgh, this ain't gonna be fun.

*I even chose something pretty cool this time, how in the 1840s Darwin and a few other people hatched a plan to create an artificial ecosystem from the ground up on a barren island in the Atlantic and it thrived after just a few decades. Considering not only how long it takes ecosystems to be created normally, that the plants were all from totally different regions from the world, and the fact that other attempts to create closed ecosystems have failed (coughBiosphere2cough) this stuff is fascinating, early my classmates are a dull lot.

club, anime, hulu, public speaking, japanese, art class, knitting, soul eater

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