September the 23rd and 24th: "I've got half a pound of yarn and a cheeseburger in my bag..."

Sep 25, 2010 00:16

Me: "I've got half a pound of yarn and a cheeseburger in my bag, which is weirder?"
Katie: "The cheeseburger, I know what the yarn is for anyway!"

So, the cake buffet last night was ridiculous and between that, getting the photos up on FB (I figured the faster I get those photos up the better, and I finally had a chance to use flash and not have the photos look crappy!*) and studying Japanese for my test I was too tired to post.
Didn't miss much though, did more fiber paper printing in black and white on both Thursday and Friday, I just needed to burn in one section of my print to make a final but there was something weird in the lab today, I think all the developing chemicals were exhausted since my print kept turning out lighter even when I used more light on it (more light=paper is more exposed=darker images so you can see my confusion here). And most of the lab assistants just don't care, ask them a question and they look kinda stunned, or stoned, starting to think that lab ass is a fitting name for them. I do like a few of them but they're usually not on duty when I'm in. And apparently they're thinking of changing it from having to do two assisting classes (either the print lab, darkroom lab, or studio lab) to doing all three. Considering that I'm still hoping to study abroad my junior year I really don't like this, I'm not sure I'll *have* three semesters for this!
Speaking of study aboard, there was a small study abroad fair on Thursday that I visited after getting a package at the post office (photo paper and homemade bread, yum, just don't have any room in my fridge after that) so I got a bit more advice so I'll be looking things up before the seminar on it Tuesday, next Tuesday is going to kill me by the way, do not expect any posts that day (it will literally be class, work, class, class, dinner, club, and then leaving club early to hear a speaker, I'm not sure how I'm even going to eat lunch). Went back to dorm, was unhappy that Shiki is on hiatus this week (well, for THREE WEEKS actually and Funi didn't put in the 90 second preview for the second half of the series dammit!**), worked on more Japanese, went to history of photography (and I got approval for my research project that morning, dealing with Vroman and Curris and if they did the right thing or not with their portrayal of Native Americans in their photographs, I think I can eek eight to ten pages out of that, going to the library tomorrow to get books).
After that I went back to my dorm, had dinner, and left with my cake to try and get to the little cafe we were holding it in a bit before seven. I was expecting a pretty small event, it was hosted by a new club that, even though we have 110 members, I was expecting not everyone could/wanted to come so we'd have like 50/70 people. I'm pretty sure I saw the fire marshal talking to some of the people there saying we broke the fire code but that there was nothing to do about it now and no one could've known. I'm guessing we had closer to a hundred people, at the height I would've imagined somewhere between 100-200 people. And I'm kinda pissed off that so many people weren't part of the club and just came for the free cake (I don't think the organizers saw it that way but I don't think I'm alone in my interpretation either) and I was also annoyed when I saw some people towards the front of the line (to get cake) just walk out with no intent to stay and have 12 different slices piled high on their cake. We did have over 40 cakes (I've got photos of 41 and know that I missed a few, some people came in with cake after seven and seriously, if you're bringing food for an event you either come at the time or before the event even starts!) so we didn't run out but it was still just waaayyy too many people. Didn't win anything in the end but I had time hanging out and getting photos of the cakes, I just wish there had been fewer damn people!

Friday was less busy but really, I don't have any not busy days anymore, although it's true I prefer life to be more like that. Passed along Ghost Hound to Emily, listened to more speeches in Public Speaking (the kids who went on the last day were definitely more nervous than those of us who went on Monday/Wednesday and I think most of them were reading off their speeches too), got the beds bunked (WE HAVE FREE SPACE, WHAT THE HECK?!?), took my Japanese test (mixed up some stuff but it was within the right tense so hopefully sensei can see that I was on the right track, I still think I did okay and need to find a new way to study better), had issues with printing, and had more issues with some guy with a sign who was sprouting how everyone who didn't accept Jesus was going to burn in hell. I was walking past him and he was talking about how the Hindi and Muslims were going to burn since they don't believe in Jesus (erm, doesn't Islam teach that Jesus was a prophet at least?) and was fairly pissed off at him (is hate speech protected speech? I forget if it is but I kinda think it is but that makes no sense) and then realized that, as an agnostic, he was kinda saying that I'm going to Hell too. Of course, when I was still a Catholic that might've applied to me too but it feels a bit strange to hear someone spouting so much bile and realized it's aimed at bit at you, it feels rather surreal. And then I was wondering if I still believe in Hell or not and had a slight existentialist crisis.
Went to see a movie with Katie (well, I thought we were going to grab dinner first so I was a little lonely there, and a bit greedy hence why I had a cheeseburger in my bag) and we were almost the only ones there. It was a retrospective of the Disney animation studios from 1980 to 1994 called "Waking Sleeping Beauty" and it was about how the Disney animators went from being kicked out of their own building to working on multiple films at a time and winning awards form them. I'd like to see it again (another movie to see with my mom and Ted?) partially because I wasn't able to tell all the guys apart the first time (Katie couldn't either, we joked they were all old, white men with huuuuggeee glasses). It wasn't an uplifting retrospective per say, it talked a lot about the fights between the various higher ups and ended on a subdued note, even though Disney would continue making animated films for another eight years, and you got the impression that Disney didn't retake it's animated section until it was almost too late to be viable. It was pretty cool to hear about how The Rescuers Down Under was the first feature length film to be painted digitally (something that hadn't even been done in a short) and also to see all the drawing and hand painting in process. It really did make me want to go into film, like video film, and be thankful that that's not going away for at least another few decades.

It's going to be another long day tomorrow, erm, today, so I guess I'd better wrap it up soon and hope that life calms down soon.

*These are far from the best photos ever but considering the circumstances they look pretty darn good!
**I'm curious though, considering the anime has been adapting the manga adaption at a rate of one episode per chapter it looks like we won't be anywhere near done by the end and ending on a pretty big game changer, especially since that seems to be a major detail changed from the novel.

shiki, nerd network, anime, movie, manga, cooking, disney, public speaking, test, japanese, black and white photography, knitting

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