November 3-9 Shopping and Avatar!

Nov 23, 2007 19:09

Let's continue on shall we?

November 3 &4: Can't really remeber what I did the 3rd, I'm pretty sure I spent the night at my dad's house, but Saturdays are quiet for me. Sunday though, that was, interesting. My youth group (well, very few of us) went to the mall for a youth group trip of sorts. No it wasn't shopping. When we got there (after riding in "The Beast" which is the nicest and most likely the fastest car I have ever ridden in) my youth group leader said that we were going to be evangelizing people after all. But before she could tell us that she was just kidding one of the guys had written REPENT on the back of the piece of paper that she gave us.

No, we were to go around the mall (either as one big group or two small groups since there was only 4 of us) and write down everything we would buy if money wasn't an issue. It was then that I thought "Hoooohhhh boy, we're getting the material items talk aren't we?"
So we all went as a group and the first place we went was this little asian store that I had never seen before, tucked away in a corner of the mall. *ducks objects* Yes I know that is so a cliche, but it's true! And think about it, cliches had to start out somewhere, so you will run into them in real life at some point or another.
Anyway, the store had some pretty cool stuff. It definetly had more real swords than I ever had seen in one place in my life (I'm guessing anywhere from 50 to 100 swords, the picture I got was pretty blurry) and they had plenty of daggers and surikens/throwing stars to spare. But here is two cool items that I did get pictures of:

I don't know what it is except that it's cute and I shouldn't touch it.

Yeah, this one was just odd, but kinda cool at the same time.

And that's all for photos. We headed over to Gamestop (formerly E B Games) for a breif moment next, pretty much because I wanted to put Guitar Hero on my list. Never played it but I really want to try.
Next we went to Spencers (where I saw a cool faerie mirror that I thought was pretty) and the guys (there were 2 guys and two girls including myself BTW) got into a lightsaber fight. They were fighting with the high end repilcas, I liked the cheaper one better (and I have wanted to buy myself a lightsaber for a while now).
After that we went to Hot Topic. I was looking for either the Ravenclaw keychain or the Naruto wristbands they sometimes have (they didn't have either but I still put them on my list). I was also hoping to see that they would have some blue and white striped knee high socks for a cosplay-in-the-making of mine but no such luck. I guess Hot Topic really is going kinda generic just like everyone says.
After that we popped over into F.Y.E. (For Your Entertainment) and that was a cool store! They sell pocky, anime, manga, giant mokona plushies, kendo swords that David and I got into a fight with... Yeah that is now one of my new favorite stores!
Later we went to some clothing stores, the food court and then headed back (by which some college kids and someone on a motorcycle wanted to race our car, lol). And we did have the materialistic talk, just like I had been expecting.
But, this is hard for me to day, but I love Katie (my youth group leader who shall now be known as KT) except when she starts talking religion. Then it's all I can do to not break down crying. Yes I know, I could be being a little overly sensative here, but really, hear me out. She was talking and, I can't quite remeber all of it now, but somehow we got onto the subject of women priests (I think it was because I was the only one who admitted that I didn't fully agree with the church and that is one of the things I disagree about). She said that she didn't think ANY women could be a priest since she saw what our priests had to go through each day and didn't think ANY women could handle it.
It took about all I had to keep from yelling "SEXISM!" lol, but this is one of the reasons I hate it when Katie talks. She is so stubborn (more so than I am which is rare) and she lived in such a different life than I have. I have had a liberal life (hell, I have made my mom more understanding of some things just from my personalities) and I have learned that a generalization is a bad thing. I think it's just so haughty of her to say that since she couldn't handle being a priest (well, she didn't come out and say that, but I got that feeling) that no women could handle being a priest.
Guess what? So many of us are different than you that some women could really be priests. I just HATE how she is so stubborn! She can't see my point of view at all, and I can even see where she is coming from! And her lectures, I always feel so torn up inside after I hear them. My mom says that the problem is that KT is lecturing for those who need to change, and if we've come to this youth group we aren't one of them. I agree, I think KT should be a missonary more.
The worst part about all of this, I can never, ever, tell her how I feel. It would hurt her so badly, and I simply can't put into words the amount of crying I do after I talk to her. It's so sad, I HATE not being able to confront those who hurt me, but here I have to just keep hurting and never speak of it to her....

Emoing over, this week was normal if I remeber correctly. We started reading Hamlet in English class which definetly was amusing in parts. Those parts being:
A) I had to borrow shader's book part of the time to see what my book was missing (pages were torn out)
B) Shader had to look at my book for line numbers and footnotes (hers is the complete works of Shakespear)
C). Laughing over the word "murther"
D) Discussing how The Lion King is similar to Hamlet (and how The Lion King 1 1/2 is similar to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead). Seriously, if you have ever read Hamlet and seen the Lion King, think of Hamlet's plot and you will be surprised by the similarties.
Oh and this week was Winterim, the week when all of the seniors go out and shadow someone at their job for a week.
Oh and I took the driving part of driver's ed! Aaannndddd..... I suck. Seriously. I seem to start falling asleep every time I get behind the wheel (my mom says it's stress related, no idea how that trait survived evolution...) and I just don't like driving. You have to concentrate for too long, there is too much to do, and for years I have just day-dreamed in the back seat while being driven, in fact, I almost always day-dream! And since I know how to walk, I can do that and day-dream at the same time, can't do that while driving!
I really don't want to drive....

And I thought that the episode of Avatar (308-The Puppet Master) was, interesting. Interesting because back, waaayyy back in 2006 when we were having 2 month breaks between episodes, some of the fans started specualting, this was after we saw The Swamp, that it was acutally possible to bend any liquid. But we (well, I just agreed with the idea, I didn't actually come up with it)thought that this theory would never get tested, I mean come on, we're talking about Nick here. There is no way they would show someone controlling someones's blood would they?
Well, when the cover of the second DVD for season three came out, it meantioned that Katara would want to "unlearn" a bending technique and we had already heard about a episode called the Puppetmaster and we knew there would be a waterbending villian so, someone put 1+1+1= creepy episode in season 3.
So anyway, it was cool and shows how Avatar could actually be such a dark show, but it works when it's a nice, kid friendly show. But I'm still wondering how this got past Viacom...

Signing off!

driving, mall, avatar:the last airbender, youth group, manga, school

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