July the 7th: Car and health problems, lovely combination

Jul 07, 2010 23:16

So I was planning on helping out at ten thousand villages today with unpacking (apparently they had a huge shipment, I think they're holding another off site sale) but the brakes made a weird noise as my mom turned on the car and when we got to the end of the block she said she was taking the car in now, took me home, and I made my apologies via telephone. What happened is that the tubes that pump the brake fluid to the back breaks ("Ma'am, did you ever live up north?" betting that this past winter didn't help either) had rusted so it wasn't a short in the system when the brake light kept going on. In addition to this the pollen was pretty bad for me today so I wasn't able to get out to the mall on my own. Heck, the first time I went out for a walk in the morning I could barely make it to the end of the block my chest was hurting so much when I turned back home (it normally hurts a bit when the pollen count gets higher but it's never been that bad) and I'm having to combine claritin with my singular now (don't worry, the doctor suggested it, I wouldn't combine meds without checking first). Got better later in the day but it's heating back up as well.

Ted however was not feeling better as the day went on. Think I've mentioned that about 5 weeks ago he hurt his knee when he was visiting Kasey, he gave it a few weeks thinking it was a sprain or such and then had to wait until he and my mom were able go to the hospital, were given the run around, thank you Medicare! Yesterday marked two weeks from the appointment and his doctor told him to call back in two weeks in nothing had happened, funny thing since the doctor in question was on vacation and Ted and my mom went over to the hospital for a few hours which and the only thing he got out of it was crutches (he's been putting weight on his other leg so much it's aggravating his arthritis) and the promise of a wheelchair (which came today, good thing since the crutches are aggravating the arthritis in his hands now, had to move some stuff in the house but not too much actually). It's amazing how frustrating this is too, how can people say we have health care in America with stuff like this?!? Ted is a college professor, he's worked hard his whole life and hasn't been able to drive a car in three or four weeks now. He wouldn't be able to teach class now since the problem has escalated so much and it's only going to get worse until the government finally finishes it's paper pushing, let's him get an MRI, and convinces the doctors he needs surgery. We're lucky, he and my mom teach opposite days so she can drive him to work if he needs it, at this rate I don't think he'll be done with physical therapy by the time school starts.

F you American Healthcare System, go f yourself in the oval office and post it on the front page of The New York Times in full nudity, maybe then will care. Oh, and I'm sorry American's who don't get the need for universal health care, truly I am because that kind of stupidity is irreversible but the good news is that your health care is still valid in Soviet Russia and you too can now switch places with pretty much the only people in the world who want our healthcare!

Not much else to say, got a package from Yen Press today (they were having all these twitter giveaways the other week and I won the last one) with volume one of both Book Girl and Kieli. Can't wait to try Book Girl but I already have volume one of the other one so I'll sell it off at Ed McKay's. Got the review for Throne of Jade up today, up next is my re-read of The Demon's Lexicon (finished today and boy do I have issues with Nick), I'll get my reviews for Ghost Stories written (and FMA:Brotherhood since that ends tomorrow and probably Samurai Champloo) typed up soon as well, and then whatever I'm reading next, it'll probably be Into the Wild Nerd Yonder and I just have a ton of reading this summer, I'm requesting almost a book a day from the library so I really need to get going (and figure out how to delete my old bookmarks once I get them, haven't figured out how to do that on Firefox yet). Also finally got working on altering patterns for Kobato's shirt, dear god I fear I have made this way more complicated that it should be but everything I make turns out complicated anyway so I'm used to it by now.
Signing off, gah, American Healthcare System my ass...

volunteer, anime, book girl, kiele, car, into the wild nerd yonder, naomi novik, ted, ten thousand villages, full metal alchemist, medical issues, samurai champloo, book, america, the demon's lexicon, ghost stories

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