Jun 09, 2010 23:17
Filled out more job application forms, like I've been doing every day, but not a ton today. My mom and I are starting to plan what to do if I don't get a job (try to get an unpaid internship with a photographer and volunteer at the library again) and I've pretty much given up hope. I know, I've only been searching for a month, not nearly as long as some people have, but I'm getting the feeling now that most people started searching for summer-only employment back in March not May and that my chances are getting slimmer. Gah, I need contacts but I don't know anyone with them. Still have a few places to try and one or two tricks left but after that no more.
Still working on sewing little things, found a whole bag of old clothing scraps I'd forgotten about (not good for much but it's nice to find them again) and I'll probably work on the anime review in a second. The con report is just so intimidating BIG that I really need to set aside time to work on it, oh, and shader double checked and sent back the first chapter! Decided not to look over grammar/spelling (although that part should've been fine) since most of it is going to be translated into pictures anyway, tomorrow I start story boarding! I'm so dead but I'm choosing my method of death so that makes it okay.
Signing off, might as well crank out another review or two in the meantime.
job hunting,