May the 24th: No chance for job hunting this week

May 25, 2010 00:02

Between how much time my mom's classes take up and the fact that she's going to be busy Tuesday and Wednesday anyway there's just not enough time to take me out to job hunt. Little worried since I want to keep moving and I'm hoping it won't hurt in the long run. Better start hunting again the Tuesday after memorial day.
So, lots of sewing today, realized that I sewed the first set of Kim's eyelets along the wrong seam so instead of just sewing the set opposite I have to do that and sew two more sets along the right seams. One set left now, I'm getting seriously fast at sewing these eyelets/buttonholes now, I don't think that's ever going to intimidate me again. Also did most of the work on Echo's knives today, just need to do some detail work on them tomorrow (aging them) but for some cardboard knives made out of a cheerios box I pulled out of my closet (no seriously, I keep an empty cheerio box in case I suddenly need cardboard, I think it's reasonable anyway) with no experience they look pretty decent. Also picked up a belt for Kim's jacket so I'll make the belt loops tomorrow and the patch, provided I can find screenshots of it (Yen Press went on a C&D rampage recently so only the very new chapters of all their series are still up and I need slightly less recent ones, also gave me trouble with finding pictures of Echo's knives for Pandora Hearts, had to use Spanish scanlations for that actually).
But at this point I'm just bumming around the internet, seeing what's streaming on netflix/hulu (a lot of stuff, although I find it ironic that Primeval is advertised on BBC America's website since it's made by their competition in the UK). So, signing off, I'm in the final stretch!

pandora hearts, mom, primeval, job hunting, sewing, cosplay, netflix, hulu, teaching, soul eater

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