May the 17th and 18th: Tired again

May 18, 2010 23:31

First off, it's Sam's birthday so happy you-can-now-see-R-rated-movies day! Although he wasn't thrilled when I pointed out he was only one year away from being able to buy cigs, porn, and lottery tickets (come on, lottery tickets are awesome!). And I had to miss part of his birthday dinner since Anthropolgie has open interviews every Tuesday (sidenote, isn't it strange that bohemian clothing costs so much?) but the P.F. Changs takeout was still good when I came back.
Let's see, started in on Echo's outfit and I'm somewhere around half way done. I've done all the major parts except for the boots and now it's detail time. Lots and lots of detail, but I've taken care of most of the buttons and the designs on the sleeves, think I can finish the sleeves tomorrow, sew on the buttons, and maybe get to the pockets, I'll try anyway. And I'm really motoring since I want to try and make both of her knives as props. Not sure exactly how to do this, I suspect it'll involve Cheerio boxes and spare paint but I think I can make it work. Hmm, should look up a tutorial or two anyway just in case.
And on the job hunting, like I said, this Anthropolgie near me has open interviews every Tuesday and boy were there a lot of girls there. I think I did as well as I can, since I'm not a huge fan of the brand (it's nice but expensive~) so who knows. Also, I've noticed this before, but I get really overshadowed in group interviews/discussions like this. I know I dominate conversations a lot so I try to be careful not to talk too much but, if you're not aggressive about making room to talk, you get talked over a lot. Don't think I was the one who stood out in the interviewers head tonight but who knows.
Now, think I've got enough time to get an episode of Angelic Layer before bed but should I? Hmmm, need to write up more anime reviews tomorrow too, expect one before AZ, probably around Sunday or Monday. Also haven't been doing a lot of reading lately and I really need to finish up a few books, need to make time for that but when am I going to have time with all this sewing I do wonder. Signing off!

anthropologie, pandora hearts, anime, angelic layer, interview, p. f. changs, books, job hunting, brother, sewing, cosplay

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