April the 20th: Lots of holidays today

Apr 20, 2010 23:32

but none that I really cared about (was mildly puzzled by the Earth Day Parade though, thought that wasn't until Thursday). Rained today in the afternoon, not very much but hopefully that cuts down on the fire risk (apparently there was a fire a few valleys over although I'm not sure if it was big or just tricky since it took a while). Also hoping the local weather website is back up soon, it's been down for three days or so, had to use the weather channel website today to find out the weather (and the radar map is pretty accurate, I'll give them that).
Aside from dodging rain and parades, handed off the last three CCS volumes to Laura, had class, nearly done with all of my counterculture journals, and headed off to anime club. We only got through two episodes today since we had all sorts of officer voting to do ("Are we voting on people just based on their hair?" "YES.") and those first two episodes (we had seven anime to choose from this time, gotta be a record but then again, it was "bring whatever you have that we haven't shown" night) of Serial Experiments Lain. I need to watch the whole show one day since it's considered one of the pillar animes in the cyberpunk area, but boy does it move slow, and this is coming from someone who adores slice-of-life. I think that is was because, while the events are moving at a decent click, the characters just talk so slowly. Apparently the series doesn't really speed up much later but it's only 13 episodes so I suspect I'll live. Also started watching Honey and Clover II (since Senko no Night Raid episode two still isn't subbbed, grrr, apparently the RAWs are hard to find as well) and I do hope that it focuses on the art again, not just the love lives. I liked it because it was COLLEGE ART STUDENTS doing college stuff, which does include falling in love. But as they, very rapidly, got out of college and did more agonizing over love versus art stuff, then you start to lose me.
Not much else to say but I'm sure I'll find plenty to do tomorrow. Like making more photo prints, yeah, boy, just want to be done with the print runs by now. Especially since I have one or two pictures that would be nice stop action photos BUT a little bit (like a hand or such) is blurred. Going to need to seriously pour over my pictures tomorrow to figure out what my third picture is, wish my Quidditch photos had turned out better but I was doing my best with how bright it was outside. Maybe the dance from the Asian festival will save my butt after all, signing off.

the counterculture, rain, quidditch, anime, weather, manga, serial experiments lain, honey and clover, senko no night raid, forest fire, earth day, cardcaptor sakura, black and white photography

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