Feburary the 21st: Was not feeling the printing mojo today

Feb 21, 2010 23:04

Gah, for some reason the door near the photo room was locked today so thankfully someone let me in, otherwise it would have been a bit of a walk around. And the printing mojo was just not with me today, had a hard time cutting out the freakin' ass HUGE mat board (then again I can never draw/cut straight lines anyway, they don't look straight!) but I was having a hard time getting my contact sheets to turn out right after I developed the film (the roll of film I loaded seems to have turned out alright thankfully). Waaayyyy too dark on one, still too dark on another, and the third was alright actually. Decided not to press this issue, I'd been there for 2.5 hours by that point anyway, and I was seeing speckles on my contact sheet so I want to check to make sure it wasn't on my negatives.
And that was the only thing I got done today. The weather was wonderful (we had to crack some windows in the classroom because the heat is always cranked up either way too high or too low, I was regreting wearing boots in there). It's been amazing for the past few days actually, high 30s, hit 40 yesterday and made it up to 50 today! And that was our warmest since, um, January 25th or so and the 40s was closer to normal apparently. Wow, Boone winters aren't so bad if they're "normal," feels like a Cleveland spring at any rate. But I didn't get a chance to really get outside since I was developing for three hours or so. Plus, even if I went for a walk, all our trails are in the shade so the snow could be a foot deep on them. And I haven't tried my camera again and I hate walking without taking photos.
So, I get back to my room (cursing out the mat board the entire time, it's so big!) and find that the roomie has returned (I haven't seen her since her boyfriend popped up unexpectedly behind me at the computer on Thursday morning, I don't believe she even went to class Friday and I know she has at least a 9 am that day) and they two of them are still snuggling/giggling/making rudish comments about stuff on the internet (seriously, the way her boyfriend talked reminded me of a mean girl, not even kidding). I was getting annoyed by 8 if he was ever going to leave (and have I mentioned that I have no proof my roomie eats anything but Cheerios twice a day?) but thankfully he did. Unthankfully they caught me by surprise so I wasn't able to do sewing and such. Worse, with my classes I probably won't have time for sewing until Wednesday unless I manage to cram it in tomorrow. Gah, really want to finish the collar and thrash out the cuffs, I have only a small piece to cut but a lot to iron and then the dreaded pinning.
So, going to bed now, and does anyone else think it's odd that my roomie goes to bed the earliest on Sunday nights, ie, the one morning she doesn't have a 9 am? Signing off!

photography, lovely outside, weather, camera, black and white photography, roommate, sewing

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