November the 14th: Thinking of 3000 words a day is HARD

Nov 14, 2009 23:27

I plan to add on a little more to my Nano before bed, work a little bit on my sewing, and then bed. But first this entry and a shower, yes, both of those are important. Well, the entry not so much since I didn't do much today but I did shoot hoops again and I'm sore. Did it for another 40 minutes and was thinking, ah, didn't work out as much, not sore. But then a few hours later I was like, opps, yeah, soooorrreeee. Gonna build muscle this way, I'd better! Just gotta remember to stretch afterwards as well to regain my flexibility, and to not buy cheetos again because I seriously can't stop eating those. X(
Okay, showered now and am just going to try and finish up a bit more of my NaNo. Going to make myself hit the end of the chapter because that means that I can finally start writing new stuff tomorrow and I love writing new stuff it turns out. I just like world building way too much to be normal so I love that for my first story I choose to just have my character running around one of the countries in my (main) alternative world. A little worried about the flow of the story but since the main thing disrupting the flow is all the explanations for how the world works (and, if this all works out, these will just be vote incentives on TWC that I draw up with my tablet, note to self, remember to bring the dang thing up so I can practice) so I'll cut them out anyway. And since explanations/scenery porn fill up the word count I have to add them in. XD Okay, back to work, signing off!

basketball, nano, sewing

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