Aug 22, 2009 23:07
Today was just long and filled. I guess part of it is all the walking you have to do over campus (Freshman 15, hah, what's that? For us it'll be the negative five or something). Alll over and for no real good reason, just to get my bearings. But I plan to sleep in later tomorrow so that should help, ack, the lights in the hallway stay on all night so it gets in under the crack in the door, the eye hole, and the parking lot lights are pretty bright as well. Need blackout curtains...
Let's see, the only real thing of mention was that we had a comedian tonight and OMG he was so funny! It was really good and pretty much everyone agrees on that too.
So, signing off, I don't care if my roomie isn't back yet I'm heading off to bed! (oh and look, a pretty new icon!)