March the 29: I saw someone walking their goat today

Mar 29, 2009 17:33

Yup, I really did. Well, I think it was their goat, and I know my city is sometimes confused about the words "urban" and "rural," but seeing a goat in a suburban park was definitely odd. And yes I got a picture, what else would I do?
Today I had better luck re-translating latin before the test tomorrow but I swear, I am neeever ever ever taking Latin again. :P Too hard, too finicky, and sometimes the latin words that looks like english ones don't quite mean the same thing which totally throws me off. But I have survived three years of it, which I believe is an accomplishment, I'm just not good with foreign languages. Then again, I don't really feel good about any of my classes right now (except photography but photography is art, the standards are different). I just don't seem to know the answers anymore, I don't remember the equations or the economic facts and never really did get the symbolism in my english class readings. I know that you probably won't understand all of the symbolism on your first read through of everything, but when key parts of the story need to be explained to you, yeah, that ones a problem!
So let's see, what else... well, my mom's toilet seems to have fixed itself, thank god, Ted takes freakin' forever, and of course this happens after they both get over a 24 hour stomach bug. Good thing that bus was over by the time it broke in the first place actually, that would've been bad... went to library, not happy that I got a fine on like, 5 different books since they were one day late (and for some reason they charged me more since two of my YA books were labeled adult books, going to take that up with them next week) and I just don't like librarians. They are so soft spoken that I feel odd striking up a conversation with them, especially when I need to actually point something out to them (like for some reason they have all four Antique Bakery mangas listed as the same item in the call catalogue, now I have a one in four chance of actually getting the one I need!).
Well, gotta go, signing off!

goat, latin, sick, park, bathroom, manga

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