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Jan 29, 2007 13:55

Being that it's been almost a month since I've posted anything, I figured I should update this thing. Actually, the week before last, I spent like an hour writing a post, but it got erased..stupid laptop touchpad!!!! But NEWayz, alot's happened this past month. Sammy's crawling all over the place, sitting up by himself, and has a tooth! It's just a little bitty poking out of his gums, but it's already sharp (he bit me this morning when I tried to take something out of his mouth). It's so cool, though. :-) Both the girls had teeth between 3 and 4 months, so it was really weird that Sammy hadn't gotten one yet (he's almost 8 months). As for the crawling, I really need to find my baby gates (they're in my parents' shed), because his favorite places to go are the bathroom and the kitchen. I can close the bathrom door at least, but the kitchen doesn't have one, and when he's down on the floor playing, that's the first place he goes. I think it's because he knows that the food is i the kitchen, lol.  His new favorite thing to do now, besides crawling and sticking EVERYTHING he finds in his mouth (the grosser, the better) is talking/yelling. He says 'dada' now, and he'll get into these moods where he yells it, lol. He also yells 'AY!', 'AH!', and 'UH!'... especially when he should be quiet, like in church. He's testing his vocal cords, and his will. He was dancing yesterday, lol. We put a movie on for the girls, and he was sitting in front of the tv, dancing to the music on the video.  It was so cute! :-) He's so big, man..it's crazy. It's like, he's not a baby anymore, but at the same time, he is. He loves playing with Sam. The two of them 'wrestle'. And when Sam gets home from work, Sammy will look at him and whisper 'dada', before yelling 'DADA!'. Like he's testing it out, lol. He's still stingy with his laughs, but he smiles alot, and those laughs we work out of him are so worth the effort. He gets so mad when you stop him from doing something he wants to do (like putting his mouth on the cat, playing with my parents' woodstove, putting yucky things in his mouth, ect.). He also gets mad when you stop feeding him before he's ready (or if you don't feed him fast enough), put him down before he's ready, walk by without coming to play with him, clean his face, get him dressed, eat without sharing with him, or put him in his carseat. Other than that, he's a pretty content kid. :-) 
NEWayz, on to a subject other than Sammy. :-) I've been trying to map out and figure out and add up what needs to get done and bought and for our garden, and where and how everyhting's gonna fit. I've already got the fruit (minus the apple, peach and cherry trees) section planned out (raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, plums, apricots, pie cherries (not as sweet), strawberries, and 3 different kinds of grapes (red, green, and concord). Have a list of herbs I need to get, and am putting together a veggie list. I don't know if this is going to get done this year, but I really hope it does. I know it's going to be alot of work, but I also know that it's WORTH it. It just seems like no one else is really interested in actually Doing it, though everyone's said that we should, and that they want to. I'll admit, though, that the ammount of work that's going to be needed to do this is ALOT, and the initial cost will be a little expensive (so far, I've calculated $150, and that's not including any veggies, tools, or materials needed to build the arbor, trellisses or greenhouse. We have a ton of wood (they bought and took apart a 40 x 40 building to convert into a house) to build with, but the problem is, we don't know how much we're going to need for the house. So I'm going to do everything I can for the time being, and we'll see if and where it goes from there. 
We've all had a bad case of the 'winter blahs' lately, which has caused some issues, but I think it's getting better. Speaking of winter, it's doing that yucky white stuff out there again!! I'm tired of the snow! I like it and all, but I'm ready for spring, man! We're planning a trip to the coast, and a trip to the water park we went to last year..we want to take the kids this time. Sammy will be old enough to enjoy it by this summer, and the girls will have an absolute Blast in the kiddie section. I'll have to admit, me and Sam wanted to go play in there, it was so cool. :-) We just need to figure out things to do together, that's all. We had alot of fun playing Uno with my parents and brothers the other night. :-) Well, guess I'm gonna get off here and finish cleaning up my house. Later, I'll upload some recent pics, as soon as I get my photobucket account straightened out.

every day

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