(no subject)

Oct 31, 2006 09:52

Man, it's FREEZING outside, seriously. I finally had to give in and turn the heat on the other night (I hate having the heat on in the house..it means you have to keep everything closed up, and it dries you out). It's at 60 now, and I threatened Sam already that he better leave it alone. He drove me nuts last winter messing with the thermostat. At the moment, it's warmed up to 32 degrees (was like 17 degrees last night), and there's a pile of dead hornets on my porch, getting steadily bigger, because I guess there's a nest of them in between the tiles on the roof, and the cold is killing them. It's almost sad to see them laying on the ground on their backs, their legs waving weakly, and hear the 'ping' of them falling through the metal staircase and on to the ground. I say almost because both Natalia and I got stung this summer, and we both were minding our own business when it happened. NEWayz,it's gotten a little noisierin the house recently. :-) Sammy learned to say 'mama' and 'num-num' (food noise), and regales me with them both all day long. And not only that, but he does anything he can think of to get my attention (he's doing it now, actually, lol) he'll complain, and then when I look at him and talk to him, he'll smile really cute and chatter to me. He's so cute and such a good baby . The only problem I have regarding him (which really isn't a problem) is that he wants to eat all day and all night long. Whenever he sees me sit down to eat, even if I JUST nursed him beforehand, he starts 'num-num' ing me, which is his way of telling me that he wants to eat 'real food'. He eats baby food, baby cereal, oatmeal that's been pureed, mashed potatos, and recently, we started him on baby cookies (he's teething, so I figured with the baby cookies, they're hard but they dissolve as he gnaws them, so it helps his gums, too). He LOVES to eat. NEWayz, the past few weeks have been crazy. Everyone's been passing stomach flu back and forth, so you can imagine how fun it's been. Thank God it's finally gone. It was bad. My cousin got a job working at Walmart in TLE with Sam, so they've been commuting to work together. It worked out pretty well that their schedule's are pretty close. Man, tonoght's halloween. I've got to figure out a way to keep the trick-o-treaters from knocking on my door (we don't do halloween). I'll probably be over at my mom's by the time they start coming out, so it probably won't be too bad. There's alot of little wannabe hoodlums around here, though, which has me a little worried, but hopefully, it'll be ok. Well, I've run out of things to write about, so I'll end this here for now.

every day

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