Aug 31, 2006 16:30
I don't think there is anything that puts me on emotional overload like Holst's "The Planets," especially when it is being played at excessively high volumes.
What else?
Today: I ran a mile in 9 minutes and 20 seconds, I ate lunch outside with Ian and Christy and rolled down a hill, I saw Bethany and talked to Winokur about getting my UChicago papers edited (hurray!), and tonight I have Flowers For Algernon again.
Tomorrow: Dragging myself through school, followed by an evening of sitting with the marching band during the home football game and partying with Ellen, Cara, James, and the gang.
This weekend: All-State All-State All-State All-State All-State All-State All-State All-State All-State. Yesssssss. We are unfortunately not going to Broadway this weekend (closed for Labor Day), but I will get to see all the fabulous kids I adore on crew.
All the time: I hate high school, I am reading The Ground Beneath Her Feet by Salman Rushdie, which has silenced any doubts I might have had about his complete mastery of the English language/Bombay argot, I hate high school, I love college but not this applying thing, and so on.
La vie en rose, et verte et jaune et orange et blanche.