it's been so long since I've seen the ocean...

Dec 08, 2006 22:23

It's twenty degrees in Florida tonight.
...Let me say that again.
It's twenty degrees in Florida tonight.

This afternoon, I took a shower with a pretty green tree frog.
He was plastered into the corner of the shower curtain, tucking himself into its folds all furtively.
Like his bright green skin was totally going to disappear into all that blinding white.
If I thought I could have gotten to my camera without losing a limb to hypothermia...
I might have made a picture to show you.
(bashful little tree frog saved by the weather.)
I also made friends with a socialite snapping turtle.
He was into camera flashes and snapping at bubbles
(he likes...bubbles)
but don't you dare touch him
or pay too much attention.
(we had to underestimate the sneakiness)
Had dinner with a displaced Louisianan and a girl from Toombs County.
Tech students comiserating over the inefficiencies of diving.
And the overratedness of sleep.
We told stories about being drunk expatriates
and the best way to fit six chapters into an hour
And suddenly I'm that much more serious about going to Australia.

Sea cows.
(And praying for more sun.)
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