
May 06, 2010 11:13

I guess between this and the redheadbarbie journal, I have been blogging for 11 years or so.  Seems like a milestone.

big things that are on my mind:
- where will I get money for food, dish soap and laundry detergent?
- what does the oil spill in the Gulf mean for the planet?
- will I be ok in my new home?
- will I ever make something of my life?

The weather in this city (Calgary) has been so brutal in the past week.  It has snowed almost every day and been below 0 almost constantly.  We are robbed of a decent climate, which always makes me laugh when I hear reference to GLOBAL WARMING.  It's not that I don't believe in it, it just seems to be we SHOULD be calling it climate change instead.

I get a certain satisfaction out of finishing things in the cupboard or the fridge.  I like empty space in there, because it means there is room to put something else, new and different in its place.  I recently finished the grape jelly, the gatorade, the cottage cheese, and the hemp milk.  I am well on the way to finishing the marinated mushrooms (less opportunities to eat these than other things) and parmesan cheese.  And yesterday I finally ate the can of Teriyaki Steak soup from Campbells, and folks, you'll want to skip that particular blend.  Blech.

worries, weather, food

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