So I worked the release, which was a lot of fun. Couldn't find my old McGonagall robes (resurected Snow White Queen costume) but my Naz graduation gown was a good stand in. Kids had great costumes and it really was a family event.
Got home and read from 1-3:30 when I made myself go to bed. Up today and read save for breaks for yard saling and dinner. Very similar to
two years ago.
I liked it. Far more than I expected to. One of my predictions came true: dead or not I knew Dumbledore would find a way to help Harry. One half came true: I didn't know the extent of Snape's situation but I knew he wasn't pure evil. I thought he'd be a significant death and that he'd die to help Harry. And one, I was totally wrong: I thought she'd kill Harry.
As for the much ballyhooed significant deaths, I'm at a loss to name them. Sure many died: Remus, Tonks, Fred, Snape... but all paled in comparison to Dumbledore's. I felt badly for Dobby in the same way I felt badly for
Oy, which amused me because of parallels I drew between Harry Potter and the Dark Tower Series. Ron leaving and returning: ala Jake, neither Roland nor Harry could do it alone, and both shared something with the evil lord-Voldemort or the Crimson King.
The end made me chuckle. I think we needed it to know his scar had permanently ceased to bother him, but the family stuff just made me laugh.
Who's the headmaster of Hogwarts now?
I'm sure I'll think of more. Spoil away in the comments.