On American Soil

Nov 27, 2005 10:13

It's a cloudy Sunday morning in New Haven, Connecticut. I am back on American soil and having just read about protests in Crawford Texas, I have mixed feelings about being here. It is wonderful that the Constitution allows freedom of speech and the right to dissent, but when the American media portrays war protesters as anti-troop people, I get pissed off. When we peace rights activists hit the streets to protest another war, it is not because we don't care about soldiers, but because we DO care about soldiers, as individuals, as human beings, as people who deserve the truth, all the information they can/should get about what they are fighting for. It's amazing that human beings can be so delusional to think that their government is infallible. Granted, Americans have the opportunity to be more involved in politics than people who have to grow their food, collect their water, work at difficult manual labor jobs, and struggle to get their children into school each day. However, the continued lack of apathy or rather the extreme difficulty to getting "objective" news and global news is infinitely frustrating.

Okay, so I was doing really well until I read the aol article this morning, which just makes me angry, but maybe that's a good thing. I am settling back into life in these United States with ingrained daily practices that work to conserve water, electricity, and to pass along things in this house (belonging to my parents) that they don't need anymore. I have met up with friends in Boston and am trying to stay connected to their current lives. I am certainly appreciating not living out of a pack anymore, but the overwhelming choice of clothing has pushed me to wear the same few pairs of pants and long sleeved shirts. I will probably pass along some more clothes in the near future. Yoga has helped to ground me and get me moving again. Looking at photographs from the trip brings back so many wonderful memories, that I hope will never fade.

America is a great country with lots of freedoms and so many opinions. I hope that people continue to educate themselves and learn about the society that they live in as well as the way the rest of the world lives. Until next time... may peace come swiftly, for the safe return of the troops and the end to violence in the beautiful country of Iraq.
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