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A montage of Kame laughing hysterically from the first 60 episodes of cartoon KAT-TUN.
It's therapeutic!
I don't care what other people would say.. call me crazy, insane for admiring this guy to bits & pieces but he cheers me up, giving me inspiration to keep going with my life even if I'm on the verge of falling apart. Losing someone is no joke, I tell ya. The thing is, I'm the type who don;t easily get attached to people but when I do, it's very difficult for me to move on. I'm a fixed sign. Not "fluid" enough to be able to adjust to situation just like that. And it's a family matter we're talkign about. I would be needing enough time to adjust my sail again before I get back to my usual self. Anyway, life must go on. It left me no other choice but to keep moving forward. I have to. Ohh life, please be easy on me. Onegaishimasu!