~ do you hear the people sing?

Feb 12, 2013 19:18

FINALLY i watched it!
and i'm currently in a lesmis situation which means i can't stop listening to the ost.
but onto the ~movie review.
first of all if you know me, you know also that i LOVE musicals. and i always cry whenever i'm watching a musical, no matter how many times i've watched it (~thinking about POTO rn /sigh)
Also Hugh Jackman is one of my favorite actors so it was obvious i would have loved the movie. (even tho i have to admit that: my Jean Valjean will always be Gerard Depardieu. If you have watched the serie with him you'll understand)
I actually was kinda surprised with Anne Hathaway, i'm not a big fan of her but wow she was like STUNNING. And i wouldn't complain if she gets an Oscar because her performance was absolutely amazing even tho she's basically in the movie for about 20 minutes..sort of.
I think Russel Crowe wasn't really into his part, I mean Javert is such an interesting character but you could see how much he was uncomfortable while he was singing although i just loved every Javert's song mainly because of the words in it idk
best of all: the barricades.
visually stunning. it kinda looked like that Delacroix painting "La Liberté guidant le peuple" (also the 'do you hear the people sing' song, which is NOT in the ost and i hate that in french is 'A la volonté du peuple' and it's even better than the english version seriously!) and it was like seeing lots of paintings on a screen.
thing is i cried for the whole movie.
and actually lots of the songs kinda describe me right now: especially the Eponime one.
relationship with guys ~ these strangers lol

!!review, movie: les misérables, !!blog post

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