Do authors visit your town?

Feb 03, 2008 20:01

Because they don't visit mine!

Apparently they like to skip over Colorado entirely when they are on their book tours.  They give their love to the west coast and sign books for all of their adoring fans who live by the sea and then they jump in a plane and fly right past Denver on their way to the exotic mid-west.  Seriously?!

Tell me, beloved authors: WHAT is in Ohio* that you are in such a rush to get to?!  Helloooooo!  Ever heard of the Rocky Mountains?  You know, that humble mountain range that doesn't really do much except DIVIDE OUR ENTIRE COUNTRY IN HALF WITH ITS MAGNIFICENCE.  Or maybe you're just not that into sunny skies.  Or maybe you think Denver is nothing but a cow town.  Oh, wait, what am I saying?!  You're headed to OHIO.

We read here, too!  And we love your books!  And we want to see you!


*I have nothing against Ohio, I promise.  I just noticed that Ohio was the next stop after Seattle on more than a few author's event listings.  But now that we're on the subject ... what is it with Ohio?  Anyone from there who can offer some insight into this place?  It is ALWAYS coming up.  Something about chili on pasta? 

books, ptthhh

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