I wouldn't normally post a picture of myself in a bathing suit, but ...

Oct 08, 2006 23:51

Originally uploaded by Wanderings. Labor Day weekend, Sauce and I drove up to Jackson, WY to visit our friend KK and her hubby. It was BEAUTIFUL there. The town is nestled in this valley that is surrounded by mountains and lakes and oh, yeah, a national park just down the street.  We went hiking and swimming, ate lots of tasty food, watched movies, met her friends.  Good times.

This picture was taken at Echo Lake in Grand Teton Nat'l Park. I sat on top of that rock with KK for an hour, at least, trying to work up the nerve to jump off. Then this guy Morgan came along. He was birdwatching, I think. And he jumped off. Twice.

So then I did it. Not once. Not twice. THREE TIMES! It was such a rush!!!  I just HAD to share it with you all.

***edited to add: I've passed on the complements to the friend who took this picture.  She's got a great eye!

friends, jacksonhole, roadtrip, pics

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