
Sep 27, 2006 00:39

My friend Dan over at blogspot tagged me nearly two weeks ago and I am just now getting around to responding.  I'm a slacker.  Here goes...

Three things that scare me.

1. Sliding down a mountain that is covered in snow and has rocks at the bottom  2. Insects crawling on my skin  3. Faces in windows

Three people who make me laugh.

antof9 2. my friend Sauce quoting movies 3. Eddie Izzard

Three things I hate.

1. being cold 2. cleaning 3. anything artificial - flavorings, music, people

Three things I don’t understand.

1. why Moby Dick is a classic 2. the allure of golfing (sorry, Dan) 3. the binary numeral system (though it's been explained to me repeatedly, I can't get it to stick)

Three things I am doing right now.

1. uploading photos to flickr 2. listening to Enter the Worship Circle 3. reading about the binary numeral system on Wikipedia

Three things I want to do before I die.

1. circumvent the globe 2. memorize the Lord's Prayer in Old English 3. complete a triathlon

Three things I can do.

1. put a baby to sleep 2. sing 3. recite the Russian alphabet

Three things I can’t do.

1. play a B chord on the guitar 2. roll my Rs 3. make coffee (I'm trying to learn!)

Three ways to describe my personality.

1. random  2. extroverted  3. emotional

Three things I think you should listen to.

1. 'Hide and Seek' by Imogen Heap 2. 'Better Together' by Jack Johnson 3. The Prayer Cycle by Jonathan Elias, et. al.

Three favorite foods.

1. Orrapin Thai Cuisine from Seattle 2. Sushi from Portland 3. Dark Chocolate from Europe

Three beverages I drink.

1. Water 2. Coffee 3. my friend Juan's soda chan

Three shows I watched as a kid.

1. M*A*S*H 2. the Cosby Show 3. saturday morning cartoons

Three people I tag.

sg_beany   Kristen 


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