Emergency dump 1979 year
Many people of the West already, probably, heard about failure on Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station. Many heard about its catastrophic condition today, that it can fall at any moment. Because of wrong designing following problems were found out:
- A crack in the basis of a dam (75 % from the area of the basis), on scales not having such precedents in hydraulic engineering;
- Strong formation of cracks;
-Insufficient weight of a dam for its safety for long term;
- Occurrence of strong arch pressure in the top belt of a dam, not their linear growth;
- Impossibility of the pass of a freshet more than 8000 cub.m/s without destruction of the well of indemnification of water;
- Impossibility of the pass of a freshet more than 13000 - 15000 cub.m/s without destruction of HYDROELECTRIC POWER STATION and without threat of destruction of the dam;
- An arrangement of a dam in a zone of 4 tectonic breaks;
- In a zone of an arrangement of a dam probably earthquake by force of 9 points, by an initial estimation of the project the dam has been calculated only on 7 points;
- Irreversible deformations of a dam because of wrong calculation of designers.
This Well has been already split twice by 10 meters into the heart of the rock.
The destroyed construction spillway 1988
New critical problems for a dam appeared after summer wreck. They are caused by impossibility of the ordinary pass of water through hydro units:
- Strong icing of a spillway and of a platform for building cranes;
- Unprecedented long and great work of a spillway and of a well. It is more than 12 years of emergency work;
- Possible washout of the basis of a dam;
- Possible washout of the basis of a dam up to a degree allowing to a dam the slipping downwards, falling or appearing of a new stream of water under a dam of huge size.
Cracks in base of dam
Green water - particles of broken base. Water falles from 200 metres (angle 70 degrees)
The quantity of the snow, dropped out this winter in mountains of Khakassia (a zone of reservoirs of S-SH HPS) is already equal to annual norm of water deposits.
It can cause a huge high water with inflow of 30-40 thousand cubic metres in second. It will inevitably cause destruction of a dam.
Breaking through of the S-SH HYDROELECTRIC POWER STATION will cause the technogenic tsunami which is not having analogues in world history. Speed of water can reach hundreds miles at an o'clock, the height of a wave will reach 200 meters. In some hours 30 cubic kilometers of S-SH water basin will be emptied. The Krasnoyarsk HYDROELECTRIC POWER STATION which has been not designed for such hydroimpact will not sustain this loading and will fall too. To superfluous 30 cubic kilometers of a tsunami it will be added 70 more km of the Krasnoyarsk water basin. Water will wash away cities, fields, woods up to the rocky basis. Even hills and rocks will be washed away in some places. About 1.5 million persons live in a zone of a catastrophic tsunami. That is a geographical center of Russia.
But besides catastrophic consequences for Russia, the breaking through of S-Sh HPS becomes global ecological catastrophe for Arctic regions, for the whole world and for all countries of northern hemisphere of the Earth. There are some aluminium factories, burial places of animals with the Siberian ulcer, chemical burial places, nuclear burial places, and also very dangerous chemical plant ГХК in territory of Krasnoyarsk region of Russia, in a zone of flooding-tsunami.
100 cubic km. of the infected water which have poured out from the estuary of Yenisei for some days, gets in the western current along northern coast of Russia. Further this current turns on the north, then on the West up to Spitsbergen. Then that current carries away a stream up to the north of Greenland and gets into the East-Greenland current. The polluted water gets into Atlantic up to coast of Canada and the USA.
Getting of such quantity of water during small term will cause irreversible consequences for sensitive ecological system of Arctic regions. There will be an infection of fish which will lead to extinction of some kinds of the Arctic mammals who are already on the verge of extinction. And after a while superficial currents of ocean will bring all problems to east coast of Northern America. Chernobyl and Vietnam simply will seem jokes in comparison with what threatens to occur in the near future.
(Key parameters of S-Sh HYDROELECTRIC POWER STATION and comparison with Hoover's dam)
Dam Length, m Width of a sole, m Width of a crest, m Height, m
Hoover 379 200 15 221
S-Sh 1074 105 25 245
S-Sh HPS today (for the first time in the world the spillway works in the winter). Weight of an ice nearby 170 thousands tons (2 % of weight of a dam).